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Marthe lets out another round of complaints being asked to go so far out of her way, but I quell her anger by assuring everyone I’ll handle transportation. I send Geneva back to the house to grab the carriage while we all walk to the Gold Dorm for an early lunch. Marthe refuses, vehemently, to enter the opulent building, which means I have to carry the food out to her. The looks that garners, from the staff and rich acolytes both, is reason enough to do it. Gave me a good laugh.

Once Geneva arrives, we all pile into the carriage, though it takes a little extra effort with the redhead. I’m starting to believe she’s allergic to wealth and all its representations. She grumbles in front of the carriage, her curses and pacing reminding me of a skittish deer despite her aggression. It takes me bodily lifting her in to break the stalemate, earning me a look of offended shock.

“I see you have had extensive work down on your personal carriage,” William remarks once we’re on our way, adjusting himself on the comfortable bench. “Pardon me if this causes any offense but I didn’t think the Tome family had accumulated so much wealth.”

“Hey, little lord. Didn’t anyone ever teach you that certain topics are forbidden?” I chuckle, raising three fingers. “A woman’s body, a man’s money, and a family’s honor. Mention any of those and you’re asking for trouble.” That comment treaded dangerously close to two, ignoring a few pronouns.

“Forgive me for any offense. I simply wish to mend any gaps in my knowledge.”

“Don’t worry, it takes a lot to offend me. To answer your question, the finances of the Tome family are a mystery to me. Somehow, Uncle Jackal has managed to keep the estate in our name, saints bless him. My personal finances and that of my household are rather substantial. Enough to afford a few luxuries.”

“Her wife has all the money.” Alana mercilessly destroys my grand image. “She’s a kept woman.”

“Excuse me. I am not a kept woman,” I huff.

“Sure, you’re not.”

“Your marriage, yes. I make it a point to memorize names of those who could be important but yours was hard to miss. Quite a life you have lived, your ladyship.”

“That sounds like you’re cursing me. My life’s barely started.” I wonder how long I can live. My original body is made of mana. Can I age? Can I die of natural causes? “You sound like you’ve lived quite the life yourself. Four sons competing with each other for their father’s inheritance.”

He grimaces. “I am not nearly as enticed by my father’s holdings as my elder brothers. I am perfectly content to make my own way in this life. My stake in the competition is one of self-preservation. They don’t believe my lack of desire for my father’s riches. Simply taking their abuse is no life and if I present myself as too weak, they will simply kill me.”


He blinks. “Is there something else you’d like to know?”

“We’re going to be working together, Willie. Come on, tell me about yourself.”

William clears his throat. “I don’t think I’m very interesting.”

“You certainly aren’t helping yourself with that attitude. You can’t study magic all day, every day. You’ve got hobbies, don’t you? Maybe a girlfriend?” I wiggle my eyebrows. “You joined our team because you saw three pretty women, didn’t you?”

“Lady Tome, I assure you I had no improper—”

“Don’t be shy! Who could blame you? Unless we’re not your type.”

Willaim clears his throat. “You are all certainly, ahem, attractive. Any man would be lucky to catch your attention.”

“Or woman.”

His eyes widen. “Ah, yes. Or

“No need to limit your options. If pretty young ladies aren’t your fancy, there’s always pretty young men. I certainly wouldn’t cast judgment. You two?”

“He looks like the soft type,” Marthe says with a grin as William grimaces.

Alana refuses to join in on the fun, shaking her head.

“I don’t have those kinds of interest. If I must state a preference to ease any doubts
” His eyes slowly move to Alana. She meets his gaze with a small frown. Heh.

He’s the first to look away, clearing his throat with the faintest blush on his cheeks. “Eh-hem. Well, suffice it to say that I am only interested in women.”

“Any details you’d like to share?” The dorms aren’t separated by gender, though the rooms are in different halls. A few extra steps aren’t enough to dissuade those of romantic persuasions. People keep it discreet most times, especially initiates, but I’ve heard plenty of scandalous stories from Alana.

Our nervous teammate is saved by Alana punching me in the arm. “Don’t mind her. She just wants someone else’s mind to be filled with the same nonsense taking the place of her good sense.”

I relent in the face of her disapproval. “Alright. I’ll wait till our second meeting before prying out your secrets. I guess we can talk about our mysterious fifth.”

He chuckles. “Do not worry for me, Lady James. I am quite used to it, growing up with three brothers. And
well, it is better for you to draw your own judgments.”

[Lou, we will arrive in a moment.]

“I’ll be making that judgment sooner than you think.”


The place where we’re meeting our prospective fifth is a small restaurant named the Tall Tale. A quaint wooden sign with its name written in gold cursive hangs over the open door, the chatter of patrons drifting out onto the street. Posters of food hang in the long windows, so detailed I almost believe I can grab them off the paper, especially so with the inviting smells dragging me toward the opening by the nose.

A young woman stands beside the doorway greeting customers and calling out to passerbys in someone’s dirty reimagining of a maid outfit. Saints. The skirt is far too low, drawing the eye to her plump thighs and threatening to reveal something indecent with every movement. Her chest almost spills out of her scandalously low neckline as she waves, gestures, and practically drags in customers.

“Aren’t they afraid people might get the wrong idea about this place?” I ask as we walk toward the restaurant. Looking at her, I’d think they were serving from a different kind of menu.

“They’ve got plenty of security,” William says. “The owner is a master earth caster. Only a few people have the bad sense to cause trouble and no one causes trouble twice.”

We’re close enough for the maid, which is what I choose to think of her as rather than a few more
explicit terms that come to mind, to notice us and she flashes us the same practiced smile I’ve seen her use till now. However, once her eyes move to William it becomes genuine.

“William!” she shouts, moving away from her post to greet us. He raises a hand but she steps past it, pulling him into a hug, one hand on his shoulder and the other pulling down his head. He blushes all the way to his ears as his nose is pressed into the valley of her ample chest, lucky bastard.

He mumbles and wiggles his way out of her hold, straightening his rumpled shirt with quick, nervous gestures. “Yes, hello, Erin. Please stop such exuberant greetings. They’re likely to cause misunderstandings."

“Would that be such a bad thing?” she says playfully, chuckling when he turns his gaze. “You’re so easy.” Her eyes finally move to the rest of us. “Oh, you’ve brought new customers! Three pretty girls, huh. This why you don’t want any misunderstandings?”

William clears his throat strongly. “Eh-hem. This is—”

“Just call me Lou,” I say quickly, stepping in front of him. I hold out my hand. Raising a brow, she follows my lead and places her fingers on my palm, snickering as I lay a kiss on the digits. “A shame we haven’t met before now. Willie didn’t tell me he had such a lovely friend.” Nevermind that I didn’t know him until today.

“Right back at you.” Her wink is playfully exaggerated. “You wouldn’t happen to want a job? Put you in some pants and a nice vest, mm. You’ll have the girls dancing in the palm of that strong hand.”

“If only I had the time,” I sigh dramatically. “I’d work for the
ambiance alone.” I blatantly ogle her. Something she must be quite used to wearing such daring clothes as she doesn’t even bat an eye.

“Sure I can’t tempt you?”

“I’m absolutely sure you can so play nice.”


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