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Quest is not a good-looking city. Understandable, giving its origins. It was never meant to be a city. The people who founded it were hunters, building bases of operations in the area to facilitate driving monsters away. In a hostile area, their structures were ugly, blocky, and more focused on surviving battles than being appealing. For the same reason, most buildings are made of dull stone rather than wood. Afterwards, city planners failed to bring order to the chaotic foundations, resulting in convoluted streets, winding paths, and many dead ends.

Luckily, Gajin has to navigate the mess while I relax in my carriage. I specifically modified it to accommodate Kierra’s tall figure but the space feels a little cramped given the number of passengers. I invited Cloud and Alana to ride with me, seeing as they had no transportation of their own. Maxine came in her own carriage but asked to ride with me. Understandable, seeing it’d be a bit lonely if she were the only one riding alone. Kierra decided to ride with her friends. Geneva and Bell ride with me of course. That makes five people and an imp seated on two benches. Being the big person I am, I sacrifice my space, allowing myself to be squeezed between Alana and Geneva.

“Max, any word about the store?” Seeing Cloud’s curious expression, I add, “She’s been handling her family’s store in the Hall until someone is chosen to take over.”

The merchant deflates, letting out a deep sigh. “It’s my sister.”

“You don’t sound happy to have family visiting,” Cloud muses.

Alana scoffs beside me. “I can relate.”

“Melinda is…I’ve told you about her before.”

“When—ah.” I recall Maxine’s drunken rant about her ‘immoral succubus’ of a sister. “Oh.”

“Yes.” Her eyes narrow. “Your reputation no doubt swayed the vote. She’ll be coming for you.”

That sounds ominous. “Please. I’m not entirely weak to a pretty face.”

The carriage erupts in laughter. Maxine’s is disbelieving, Cloud’s amused, Alana’s scathing, and Geneva’s mocking. I frown, eyes bouncing between them as their humor peters out. “Really?”

“I should be saying that,” Alana says, wiping her eyes. “Not weak to a pretty face. I’m amazed you could say that with a straight face.”

“Honored sister, you stared at my face for at least a full minute when we first met.”

At least Maxine didn’t rub it in, avoiding my betrayed eyes. I don’t bother to seek the succubus’ opinion. I look down to the imp in my lap who stares at me with innocent eyes. “You don’t think I’d fall for an obvious trap just because the bait is pretty, right, Bell?”

“Coo!” [Undoubtedly!]

Oi, I was counting on you! Even my staunchest ally has betrayed me. “Fine,” I say, slumping against the wall. “So, what? She won’t get far. It’s Kierra she has to impress if she wants access to the elves and she’s not going to do that through me. Might get herself hurt.”

“I thought you and teacher have a, ah, flexible relationship?” Alana questions. Cloud leans forward, clearly interested.

“We do, but there’s nuances to it.” I hold up a finger. “One, a little harmless fun is perfectly fine.” She damn near encourages it. “If someone, like a promiscuous merchant, were to come onto me for benefits, that no longer qualifies as harmless. Anything with expectations from either side comes under review.”

“So, you would be fine if Kierra were to be with someone else?” Cloud askes with a raised brow.

“Long as I get to watch,” I answer immediately. “Seriously? Not anyone is okay. There’s a particular bald bastard who if he breathes on her too hard he won’t wake up in the morning. Harmless also includes not inciting homicidal jealously. Now, if I were to come home and find you making out with her in the welcoming room…” I grin at the mental image and she matches my smile, chuckling.

“My sister then…” Maxine questions, wanting us back on topic.

“Ah, yes. Two, and this is the big one. We get to decide on each other partners. And, it is our job to drive away partners we deem unsuitable. In the case of your sister, Kierra would take exception to someone trying to blatantly take advantage of me. Depending on how much exception she takes, there’s a real chance your sister could have her head ripped off. At least, from my understanding.”

Contrary to my expectations, Maxine smiles. It’s both relieved and excited, as if she’s looking forward to that eventuality.

“Ah, Alana, you don’t have to worry. She already approves of you.”

“I don’t need it!” She punches me in the shoulder. “Stop giving people the wrong idea!”

“Haha, and third. No matter what, Kierra’s the wife.” I would hate to see the one who tries to usurp her position. Not that they could. Our relationship may be unorthodox but our bond is real. I love that crazy woman. “By the sound of your sister, she’s going to break both rules one and three and Kierra’s going to exercise rule two. You should probably keep her away from me.”

“Of course,” Maxine says, averting her eyes. Why don’t I believe her?

“Why am I the only one being grilled here? What about you three? Don’t expect me to believe no one’s tried to pursue you.”

Alana turns away with a blush. “Unlike some people, I take my studies at the Hall seriously.”

“Really? No one? No sweetheart waiting for you back home? You sweat all day with a bunch of young men and not a single one has tried courting you?” Are they blind? Are they impotent?

The blush intensifies. “I didn’t say that…”

I poke her side, wordlessly asking for details. She squirms and bats my fingers away. Or at least she tries. I nimbly dodge the blows and continue prodding her, her scowl deepening until she eventually shouts, “Fine! Saints damnation, you’re annoying!”


“Stop taking my insults as compliments! Yes, a few of my fellows have asked me to lunch but they aren’t my type. There, you happy?”

“Nope, but we’re getting somewhere.” I lean toward her. She tries to lean away but there isn’t enough room in the carriage so she has no choice but to endure my closeness. “What’s your type?”


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