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The last chapter of the month! Last reminder, for anyone of the Cultist tier, for the month of November, there will be no more updates for this tier. In the immediate future, it will become a purely additional support tier, the highest tier needed for new content being the Dreamer tier. If you haven't already, I suggest either dropping your subscription for November or dropping to the $1 Official Patron tier if you want to keep you lifetime streaks going :)

I went back and forth a lot on this chapter but I like how it turned out. Let me know what you all think!


I need to practice more. Lately, I’ve been making a lot progress on my spellwork, particularly in combat casting, something unavoidable with my martial wife, but there is so much to master.

Telepathy, one of the fields of the mental affinity, is considered its own discipline, casters devoting their lives to mastering its intricacies. It’s not something anyone but the rare geniuses of the world can learn without copious amounts of time an effort. I’ve got the potential but I’m no genius. Still, I can’t help but wish I’d learned it. I desperately want Kierra to hear my voice as my tentacle-like limbs slide over her.

Being sprawled on the floor with the last rays of the setting sun giving the room a warm glow gives the experience a new obscene aspect. Who knows who could be peeking with the curtains drawn? Geneva would sense anyone close by but there exist means beyond her, as incredible as it sounds.

What would they think, watching a twilight-colored ooze morphing and bending to restrain her, pulling her legs apart while binding her wrists together? I can imagine the thrill of someone peeking through the windows, hoping to catch sight of the elf coming out of the shower, and finding her entangled with a creature with nearly a dozen glossy limbs wrapped around her, squeezing her breasts.

Kierra groans as smaller appendages branch off from the two over her chest to tease her nipples, a much thicker one moving between her legs. “Ooh, you’re teasing me again,” she whispers, the first hint of frustration entering her voice. Her hips try to move against me but she can hardly move in her restraints. Her little growl sends shivers down my nonexistent spine. “I can’t stand it when you tease me.”

“How hypocritical of you,” Geneva says in my stead. I swear, her eyes almost appear to glow as she watches Kierra twitch in my grasp as several smaller limbs caress almost every inch of her body. “You tease my summoner all the time, don’t you? It practically defines your relationship. Don’t fall apart the moment the tables are turned. I’ll lose respect for you, master.”

“Respect. You don’t know the meaning of the word, you—” Her words are cut off by a gasp as the limb between her legs becomes more purposeful, teasing her opening. She shakes, failing to move, teeth grit as her eyes narrow.

“Oh, I know plenty of respect,” Geneva says idly, tail swinging back and forth. If I had a mouth, I would have gasped when a stream of water swirled around her, before forming into the shape of a chair. A moment later, it’s solid ice and Geneva sits down on it. She rarely does any visible casting so sometimes, I forget she’s also a master of both the fire and water affinities.

“Trust me master, there are creatures in other realms that make both of us look like ants. Lou is a good enough example. Whatever birthed her is…so beyond our comprehension, I shudder to imagine meeting it. Even now, without a fraction of her true potential realized, she can already restrain that strength you’re so proud of.”

Her tone shifts from musing to mocking and Kierra notices. And, as always, she responds to the perceived challenge ready for a fight. I can tell from the way she tenses that her next words aren’t going to be very nice. So, I cut her off by shoving one of my limbs into her mouth.

She immediately responds by biting down, her two canines easily piercing the soft ooze, but the limb is far thicker than she thinks. Despite her impressive jaw strength, she can’t sever it. There’s simply too much mass to bite through.

She lets out an aggrieved huff through her nose and I snicker inwardly. Hm. There’s a lack of the usual satisfaction as this form doesn’t feel pleasure or pain, but without those muddling my senses, I can focus on Kierra completely.

I can feel every twitch of her pussy as I push inside her, feel the slight arch of her back as I mold myself to her, undulating with her as she moves against me. Her harsh breathing seems to surround me as I piston inside her, shrinking and expanding in a facsimile of fucking. The sounds she makes are muffled and breathy, made more so by her attempts to silence them. Enticing in a whole new way.

She sounds…weak. Maybe even a little…panicked. Like a trapped animal, uncertain about its fate. All mixed with in with her usual passion. It’s a tone I’ve never heard from her before and it’s…


Unfortunately, my fun comes to an end before I’m ready as Geneva warns me of her approaching climax. Kierra lets out a muffled shout as I withdraw from her. Her nails dig into her palms but I force her hands open enough to slip between them. Besides not wanting her to accidentally injure herself, all of her reactions belong to me.

“Are you ready to answer the questions now?” Geneva asks.

I obligingly pull out the limb in her mouth. Her tongue lolls for a moment as she works her jaw. Then she grins maliciously. “Is this your idea of torture? Dedia, you are too soft.”

“I don’t know about that,” my succubus says. “After all, I could take the information from your mind right now but that’s not what she wants. She wants you to submit.”

Kierra doesn’t bother to answer, simply laughing. I cut her off by replacing her gag. Well then, let’s up the ante.

[A few ideas, my summoner.]

Oh hoh. All good ideas but let’s start slow. I shape the limb between her legs, making it shorter and flatter, mimicking a tongue, though I take a few liberties with its length. Then I lap at her.

Her legs tremble as I tease her clit, toes curling. Her breath catches as I split the tendril in two, one continuing its work while the other moves inside her, moving in ways no muscle could. She moans as I writhe inside her but I’m called to stop far too early by Geneva.

“Want to talk now?” she asks cutely. Kierra curses at her with a flushed face. I let her get three sentences out before the gag comes back. This time, she sees me coming and shuts her mouth so I wrap the tentacle over her mouth as I go back to teasing her.

There are so many interesting things to try. I keep the split tentacle, pushing them both inside her and moving them independently. Don’t have to be a mind reader to see she loves that as I barely start before Geneva is telling me to stop.

Oh, come on! This is more torturous for me, right now. Can’t you do something about this?

[I can try but she will fight me.]

Oh? You think you’re going to lose? Never thought I’d see the day.

I’m not blind. I know very well my elemental is loyal in action but not entirely in heart. She very much looks down on us, maybe every creature in this realm. A justified response. Like my wife, she has a nearly unassailable position. But I do know one of her weaknesses.

She can clearly see through my rudimentary attempt at manipulation. Really, it’s embarrassing, trying to twist a don, one of the leaders of the succubi, around my finger. Still, her smile dims.

Pride. Geneva’s only weakness, at least for someone on my level.

With the grace of a cat, she stands from her chair, simply dismissing it, the ice disappearing. Then she stalks forward, a predatory gleam in her eyes. I pull a few limbs away to make room for her to lay her hands on the elf’s stomach.

[I don’t know what the conflict of our magic will do. There is a chance it can substantially harm her.]

Hah? Please. This is the same woman who just threatened to let me torture her. Not to mention what she puts me through on a near daily basis. If its hurts, stop. Until then though…

[Very well, my summoner.]

Geneva’s eyes glow as she begins to work her spell. A moment later, Kierra’s glows in turn. Ooh, never seen them do that before. It brings out the gold in them. Beautiful.

[It’s holding but I don’t know for how long. Pure affinity magic is unformed. Without a recognizable structure, it is difficult to defend against.]

Well, I’ll try my best to distract her. Just so we’re clear, no matter what I do to her, she won’t climax, right?

[Not until you will it.]


I got back to work. The whole thing is more mechanical than usual as I observe her reactions with a bit of detachment that makes it all novel. The sweet spots I usually seek out from instinct are mapped and catalogued for later, including a few I didn’t know about. The ears are obvious, the lower back not surprising, but who would have thought a light touch along the back of her legs would have the elf squirming? Especially around the ankles.

The noises she makes are a study in themselves. Ramming something thick and hard inside her produces the usual moans I’m accustomed to after over a year of satisfying her fetish. Stubborn silence when I alternate to light teasing, clenching her jaw and going silent as if holding back her voice in retaliation. Breathless gasps when I do something unexpected, using my shapeshifting to its full extent.

My favorite though, is when she squeals, so loud it’s unmistakable even through the gag. Her eyes are wide and body tense as a long, thin tentacle pushes into her ass. A little skeptical about that but Geneva assures me that she’s enjoying it and I have to agree. I loosen the tentacle around her waist and she immediately begins humping both of the tentacles invading her body, eyes fluttering. I think I’ve found her weakness.

Her movements become frantic as the sun goes down and she still hasn’t been allowed to cum. Her body is soaked with sweat, her thighs are practically dripping with her excitement, and her moans turn to whimpers, but I don’t relent even a fraction. Her body is completely under my control and I’m loving every moment of it.

I can’t deny a hint of disappointment when Geneva speaks into my mind. [She wants to talk now.]


Geneva raises a brow. [Wasn’t the point of this to achieve her confession?]

Yeah, but I’m having far too much fun. She’s gets her jollies by tormenting me all the time. I can have this.

No. I’m taking this for me, hehe.

[Congratulations, my summoner. I believe you have realized master’s intentions.]

Oh, not quite. I could never be the absolutely immoral, ruthless, socially despicable tyrant she seems to be trying to mold me into. But I have learned a little selfishness and she has to deal with the consequences. This is exactly what they mean by reaping what you sow, isn’t it?

[Agreed. However, I believe you should remove the gag.]

Why not? I do still want that confession, even if I’m not planning on letting her off.

She takes a deep breath when the gag is released. “L-Lou…” she stutters out. “Dedia, honey, I-I-I’m, oooohhh.”

Hehe, going to have to speak quicker than that.

“I started a club. I make them fight, finding potential. That’s all—”

“I meant it when I said he was a gift. I don’t care about him. I-I-I swear—”

“Oh, f—what do you want? I already admitted—”

“Loooouuu. Please—”

“I-I’m sorry! Alright? Is that what you want to—”

“I’m sorry, sorry, baby, so sorry. I won’t do it again, I won’t. Please, honey, I’ll be good. I’ll be…good—”

Watching her scream and gasp out her pleas is beyond amusing but even I have to admit she’s had enough when she starts begging in elvish. Alright, Geneva. You can let her go now.

[Mm, I have to admit it was tiring. Rather than distracting her, your efforts only made her more determined.] Geneva’s eyes dim as she removes her hands. [I don’t know what effect—]

She doesn’t get to finish before Kierra howls. The sound is surprised, relieved, triumphant, and a little disappointed. And its loud. Loud enough the windows crack and the walls tremble. Then she goes limp.

Slowly, I extricate from her, pulling away before retaking my human form. I kneel beside her as she lies on the floor with her eyes closed, chest heaving. They open as I move a strand of hair stuck to her sweaty brow behind her ear. Tears shine in the corner of her eyes and she looks at me with an aggrieved pout. Looking at me like an innocent girl facing her bully.

“Remember what you said,” I whisper, undoubtedly quite smug. “Because next time, I won’t let you off so easily.”

She shivers, a smile turning up the corners of her lips as she shuts her eyes again. Poor elf looks positively exhausted. Normally, one round isn’t nearly enough to satisfy her. Must be mental exhaustion. It really was a kind of torture.

Not that I feel bad in the slightest. I actually feel great. It usually takes all night as a being I’m still not convinced isn’t a monster, despite Kierra educating me on troll society, to get her to this point. And, while I’m perfectly fine with her fetish, I know it isn’t me driving her wild.

This time, it was all me. Can’t help but feel proud.

“Come on.”

She doesn’t stir as I lift her up and carry her into our bathroom. What follows is a moment of tenderness as I draw a bath and attentively wash her from head to toe. She regains a bit of her senses and we exchange gentle kisses, erasing my few doubts that I might have gone too far. Really, she’s almost like a blushing bride after her wedding night.

I rarely get to call my wife cute. Predatory, charming, devastatingly beautiful. Very rarely cute but it’s the only word I can use as she wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in my neck, peering up at me meekly.

After a long soak, I dry the both of us before tucking her into bed. I’m in the mood for a drink but Kierra doesn’t give me the chance, immediately wrapping an arm around my waist. I obligingly slip in beside her, letting out a sigh of contentment as she wraps me in her arms.

“I love you,” she whispers.

“Love you, too.”


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