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With the torches snuffed out and the crowd dispersed, Elven Garde disappeared, the trees becoming a simple garden once again. If it were any other night, Callan would be making his way home, collapsing the moment he fell into bed for a few hours of sleep before he started his shift at the store.

Instead, he found himself waiting just outside the trees, foot tapping on the dirt path impatiently. He hadn’t been the only one to linger. Kierra pulled aside Brahim as the others departed and they had yet to emerge. He was unsure about the exact time but it had been several minutes. What could they be discussing that took so long? What could they be doing?

His unfettered imagination drove him wild but he dared not storm back through to see. Never mind the real chance of getting turned around, a real possibility despite the half-moon giving a generous amount of light, but it was against the rules. He’d been frantic earlier to even contemplate breaking them. Kierra might be kind but she could also be unforgiving.

Luckily, the two people he was waiting for emerged before he drove himself to madness. Sudden and hot anger coursed through him as he spotted Kierra walking close to Brahim, their arms linked. They spotted him at the same time and smiled; Brahim’s mocking, Kierra’s amused.

“Go on.” She pulled away from the champion, patting his shoulder. “He’s here to talk with me.”

“You sure? I can throw this mannerless fool out of here for you.” Brahim sneered.

“This has nothing to do with you,” Callan snapped.

“It does. But I don’t expect you to understand the obligations of a gentleman, waiting for a woman while shrouded in darkness.”

Callan scoffed. A gentleman? As if. He’d heard the distasteful things the man said when he bragged about his many conquests. Callan could only assume the women were blinded by his status as an acolyte because he couldn’t imagine the boorish and annoyingly loud man charming anyone.

“Now, boys. Brahim, you have places to be in the morning, hm? Leave us be. Atty is harmless.”

“Heh. I believe that. Then, I’ll see you—”


“Very soon.” He smiled at her before continuing down the road. The two men shared a poisonous stare as he passed. Callan’s heart thundered especially loud as his fingers twitched with the urge to tackle the champion, despite knowing such an assault would get him nowhere.

He had to take several deep breaths to keep his rage from pouring out to the only available target. His eyes narrowed as Kierra approached, the pale moonlight taking away her some of her usual edge and making her soft. Enticing.

“He did have a point, Callan.” Her low voice seduced his ears, drowning out the regular sounds of the night. “Waiting for a lady in the middle of the night is rather uncouth.” She stopped in front of him, close enough he could smell the fragrance of earth and flowers that clung to her. “The action of predators…and sweethearts.”

“The reward. What is it?”

“I already gave you a clue, didn’t I? I might be accused of favoritism.”

“I…have to know.”

“Well, you could always ask Brahim. If you run, you should be able to catch up to him.”

“Why do you keep teasing me like this?” She had to know what the wondering was doing to him. Her attention was rarely without pain, physical or emotional, but he couldn’t walk away.

“Why? Isn’t it obvious, Atty?” She took another step forward, crossing the boundary of personal space, invading it even more by leaning forward. His eyes moved down to the prodigious chest on prominent display before snapping back to her face. Her smile had an edge to it.

“Because it’s amusing. Watching you struggle and torture yourself, ah.” She circled him, stopping at his back. “All of that ambition, all of that pride, and so very little talent. I want to see if you can make something of yourself despite that. For that, I have to keep the fire hot, don’t I? All I’m doing is providing proper motivation.”

He wanted to be angry. He was angry. She thought him as a toy, admitted to using his feelings for her amusement. But, he also couldn’t refute her words. Why should she give him any respect when she far outclassed him? That’s why he had to work harder, harder than anyone.

He should count himself lucky she gave him any attention at all. While she toyed with him, it also meant she was interested in him. The thought brought a small smile to his face but it fell when he thought of Brahim’s reward.

“What did you mean, by a place at your side?” he asked, voice hard as he turned to face her.

“What do you think it means, getting so bothered.”

“They think—”

“No. Youthink it means I’m going to drag him into my bed, don’t you?”

Callan scowled as she laughed. “You never denied the talk.”

“Motivation, Atty. There are few things men will fight harder for than a woman. Don’t you agree?” She snickered at his expression. “You can rest assured. While I do enjoy the sight of budding warriors thrashing one another in an effort to impress me, none of you will ever have that opportunity.”

“Because we’re…human?”

“Human?” She laughed again, louder this time. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. I don’t mean to laugh at you. It’s just hilarious to have someone accuse me of letting a partner’s species get in the way of attraction. No, it’s not because you’re human. It’s also not because you are a commoner, as I could care less about so-called nobility and not because you lack gold as I don’t need your money. You being weak is less than attractive, yes, but like I said, I think you can make something of yourself. The reason none of you hold the slightest interest to me is because I’m married. To a human, haha.”

Callan froze. His mouth worked uselessly as a dozen questions assaulted his brain. What he finally managed to spit out was, “What?”

“Oh, yes.”

“B-but you don’t wear a ring!”

“Ah, elven tradition doesn’t include an exchange of rings. I find a knife far more meaningful than a band of shiny metal.”

“Your name!”

She cocked her head. “Different traditions, Atty. Keep up, now.”

“He’s never introduced himself.” That was Callan’s main point. What kind of husband would let a woman like her entertain a group of young, horny men? No one.

“Oh, that’s because this is supposed to be a surprise. And you’re misunderstanding something. I’m not married to a man. My wife is Lourianne Tome, an initiate.”

A woman. He was being outdone by a woman and an initiate at that. When he heard the rumors of her marriage or tried to imagine the kind of man she’d be interested in, he saw a figure like the Harvest Hero. Powerful, influential, and awe-inspiring. Someone capable of corralling her wild energy.

The last thing he imagined was a girl one step away from him. Still in her initiate year, could she even be called a caster? And the name Tome didn’t ring any bells. A small family? Or maybe a fake noble like the daughter of a knight of a merchant family that had had the title of baron but none of the privilege.

“You’re lying!”

“…no need to be rude. I’m no liar, Atty. Did I lie when I said I could make you stronger? Did I lie when I said I could give you wealth? Did I lie when I said your dreams don’t have to be dreams any longer?”

“You have to be lying. Because—” Because if she wasn’t, Callan didn’t know what he was waiting for. What he tortured himself for. Why he heaped crushing self-doubt and recriminations on his shoulders for.

“Kierra!” Gripped by a sudden mania, he reached out, grabbing her by the shoulders. “I—”

Her hand covered his mouth, smothering his confession. The playful eyes narrowed into something dangerous. “Don’t say something you’ll regret, Atty. My wife is quite the devil.”

She removed her hand, easily stepping out of his grip and walking away. Leaving Callan alone in the deepening night.


Hey everyone! New art is ready! We have Lou 1.0, before her meeting with the glorious and gloriously glossy Cosmo! I think it captures her essence very well. Pop on over to the Discord channel and let me know what you think 


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