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I expect her to dodge. Any sensible person with an ounce of self-preservation instincts would dodge.

This madwoman steps into charge. Ducks so her shoulder is under its mouth and wraps her arms under its flailing arms. I am amazed she doesn’t get bowled over, stopping the beast in its tracks. She plants her feet and holds on, ignoring the claws occasionally swiping her back. Her lips are moving but I can’t hear what she’s saying from here. Probably cursing herself for getting herself into this mess.

I change my ears and pick up nonsense.

“Coo!” [She is chanting. I haven’t heard such since the old human tribes led warbands into goblin lands.]

What, before the Great War?

Tradition indeed.

After several minutes, Cloud throws the monster away, the beast quickly regaining its feet. They circle each other before it charges a second time. It changes tactics, lowering its head snapping at her instead of using its claws. She easily responds, forcing its jaws shut with her arms and pushing its muzzle into the ground.

“Saints, how strong is she?” She’s melded, isn’t she? That’s some impressive definition on her arms but those arms are too thin to be wrestling this creature.

[Mm. Quite a skilled one. The improvements are very natural.]

“She is strong,” Bear says. “In body but more so in mind. A breaker cannot confront the beast without unless they’ve tamed the beast within.”


“Fear. Anger. Doubt. The children of the earth are mirrors of their environment. If we want to give our brothers and sisters peace, we must first find peace within ourselves. So it is. So it shall be.” He touches the ring over his neck when he finishes speaking. I think that gesture is the equivalent of fervent worshippers of the saints pressing their hands together before the different likenesses of the past heroes.

He has a point that she’s conquered any fear. She runs right at the creature’s maw wearing the same calm smile she wore while speaking with me. Even when her back is a shredded mess, what remains of her shirt stuck to her back. Even when the bear-hound thing uses earth magic to break her hold and rakes its claws over her stomach, her smile doesn’t twitch.

It takes an hour before the two of them come to a stop; the beast crouched as it pants, Cloud kneeling as she takes deep breaths, her eyes never leaving her opponent.

“Coo!” [I believe she would refer to him as her brother.]

“It’s your time.”

I turn to Bear and he inclines his head toward the Ring’s gate. “Mend what you can.”

This madman wants me to go in there with the monster? Sure, it’s chained but to the pillar but that chain is long enough that it can freely run around the Ring. Evidenced by the damaged fence posts I have to repair.

“Calm your fear. They are resting and have no energy to give to other prey.”

I resent that.

“Ah, whatever.” I’m far beyond being afraid of monsters, with or without Bell by my side. No wonder they need volunteers though. Assigning the average acolyte or initiate here would be impossible, they’d never show up for work.

I open the gate, snatch up a few posts, and then run along the outside of the fence to the nearest gap. Tossing the planks over, I hop the fence and get to work, with a few quick glances over my shoulder. True to Bear’s prediction, the beast is watching me but is too tired to chase an unknown element when its opponent—


Quiet, I refuse to be a part of this nonsense.

When its opponentis still whole and healthy.

I’ve fixed the third problem area when I hear a sharp whistle. Looking back, I see Cloud looking at me. Ah, that must be the signal to high tail it.

I don’t waste time, making a hasty escape and jogging back to Bear. Not a moment too soon as the monster gets to its feet, shaking itself while growling fiercely. Cloud stands with it. She’s covered in blood but her wounds aren’t weeping anymore. That’s an incredible recovery ability. And she’s going to need it as she’s soon covered in fresh injuries.


The “communion” lasts for hours with no sign of stopping. Both are given water but no food. No one to see to their growing number of injuries. Not so much as a bathroom break, something I try hard not to think about. With the sun setting behind them, Cloud and the beast stare at each other, wholly focused on their…communion. I wonder if this will go on long into the night.

The sound of splashing water, especially loud because of the silence of the camp, draws my attention. A tender steps out of the creek, shaking his waterlogged boots with a sigh before starting forward. He makes straight for us. “Hey, I’m your replacement.”

“Oh, uh.” Forgot that I’m supposed to be leaving about now. Seeing Cloud’s intensity, leaving before the two finished never crossed my mind. Still feels a little wrong. “I’m fine to stick around a bit longer.”

His hat tilts dangerously as he scratches his head. “Ah, you shouldn’t do that. The roadies get ticked off when their duty rosters get messed up. Sides’, don’t want them thinking I suckered someone into doing my work.”

What an honest and enthusiastic worker. Is he what they call “the feet of the country”? Those commoners whose work ethic keep the nobles rich and the king richer? Never thought I would meet someone insisting they mend fences in the middle of the night with the possibility of having to dodge a monster.

Weird, but commendable.

“Alright, I’ll only be a moment.” I move around the Ring until I’m behind Cloud. “Hey,” I call out to her. Saints, I don’t even know what I’m doing. I’ve talked to her for like five minutes. It’s not like we’re friends. “I’m about to leave…is there something I can do for you before I go?”

“You have a kind heart, Lou.”

There’s a sincerity to her words that makes me flush. “I’m not completely heartless which is what I’d have to be if I weren’t moved by a girl bleeding to death in front of me.”

She lets out a huff of air. Great, she has that strange almost laugh thing too. “There are many differences between us. Their fur that covers their thicker hides. Their eyes that shine through the darkness. Their long fangs that provoke our fears. But their blood runs red same as ours. Through our blood, we see our sameness rather than our difference. Let us commune with our blood. So it is. So it shall be.”

I suppose someone doesn’t have many options when trying to talk with a monster. “Ah. Good luck then.”

“Stay.” Her smile stretches further for the first time, revealing pearly white teeth that gleam in the darkness, her canines a touch too long to be natural. “Things should be seen through to the end. Don’t you agree?”

I do want to see how this crazy night ends. Against all odds, Cloud hasn’t been mauled to death. Who knows what dawn will bring?

“I can stay for a few hours.” The decision is spontaneous and I force myself not to think too hard about it. I can’t imagine there’ll be many more opportunities to see something this unique. Bell, you go ahead and tell Kierra I’ll be back late. Should be no complaints, seeing it was her idea for me to investigate this place.

Bell gives those gathered a cursory glance. Her eyes land on the tender. [Watch him, Master Lou. He is nervous.]

I look at him, doing his best to mind his own business as he leans on the Ring, features hidden by the wide brim of his hat and the diminishing light. He hardly seems a threat. There is a legitimate reason for him to be nervous crouched in that field. He has to go in there with that thing.

“Coo!” [He is nervous regarding the breakers.]

Also understandable. Not exactly comfortable around them myself.

[Then there is no need for concern.]

Her voice, without the inflection of speech, is somehow full of sarcasm. I snort and pluck her from my shoulders, tossing her toward the road. Get out of here, already.


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