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Alright, here's the glossary. It will be added to as the series continues. Let me know if I miss anything! (except minor characters, they are doomed to be forgotten)


· The Enchanted Forest- the strip of land connecting the human continent and the elven continent. Covered almost entirely by forest and characterized by its distinctive trees

· Harvest Kingdom- the human kingdom. Spreads over most of the human continent but the further north-west, the wilder the land

· Summer Spire- the capital of the Harvest Kingdom

· King’s Road- the main road of the kingdom, connecting the major cities

· Quest- a city to the west that gathers many hunters

· The Grand Hall- a floating island over Quest that teaches the best the kingdom has to offer

· Victory- a fort to the northwest of Quest, established to hold back the powerful manabeasts of the north

· Bleak Peaks- a long mountain range that holds back many of the powerful creatures of the north. There is only one path through them


· Lourianne Tome- daughter of Luke Tome. A mildly talented caster with a passion for summoning

· Cosmo- an elemental with a mana coefficient >5000. He is bored with the current world and saves Lou thinking she will bring him some entertainment

· Luke Tome- Lou’s father. A semi-talented summoner who resents the decline of his family more than anything

· Javarius “Jackal” Tome- Luke Tome’s older brother and the head of the Tome family. Lives in the Tome estate in Summer Spire

· Matthias Tome- Jackal’s oldest son and the heir to the Tome family

· Jacquellin Tome- Jackal’s daughter

· Peter and Potter Ironcast- Soldiers of the Harvest Kingdom dismissed for dishonorable conduct. They serve as security for the Tome family.

· Kierra D’Atainna- born to the esteemed Atainna bloodline, the rulers of the Dusk Province for the past ten generations. Her mother trapped her in the Enchanted Forest after she failed to thwart an invasion of trolls. Unbeknownst to her mother, her arrows don’t fly true because she has a troll fetish

· Morgene D’Atainna- Kierra’s mother and a powerful null affinity caster. She is a prideful warrior who only cares about power, specifically combat prowess. People without strength are worthless to her

· Marjoram D’Atainna- Kierra’s aunt queen of the Dusk Province (as the queen, the province is named after her. Since she is a violent skinned elf, while she reigns it is known as the Violet Dusk Province).

· Javil Duskman- the queen’s consort

· Fiona kor’Yggrasil- one of the ten Gardeners, caretakers of the Sacred Tree. Every union is presided over by one of them so they may give the new couple the Great Spirit’s blessing

· Rondel Sven Feldwyn- Kierra’s childhood friend and a warrior. He has been in love with her for years. Her union with Lou is the ultimate betrayal in his eyes. In a perversion of their tradition, he stabs Kierra through the heart

· Gordon Grimoire Sr.- the head of the Grimoire family

· Gordon Grimoire Jr.- Gordon Grimoire’s only son and the heir to the Grimoire family. Lou’s childhood rival

· Maximillius Guiness- ‘the golden king’, a marquis and a powerful merchant. The richest man in the kingdom

· Maxine Guiness- daughter of Marquis Guiness

· Geneva- a circle 7 don, one of the most powerful succubi of Burning Earth. Contracted by Lourianne, public persona is Geo

· Fendelheim- a circle 3 thrall, contracted to Gordon Jr.

· Belolial- a circle 5 virtue link contracted to Lou via Genevaa. Poses as the incompetent imp, Bell

· Rat- the leader of the bandits stalking the King’s Road (not his birth name)

· Advisor Lightam- one of the king’s advisors

· Bastian kor Harvest- the youngest Harvest prince

· Mano- an assistant teacher at the hall

· Aurelius- a master caster and instructor at the Grand Hall. He is pursuing Kierra

· Alana James- an initiate at the Grand Hall and Lou’s friend. She aspires to be a knight and push past the Bleak Peaks. She has been recognized because she has the rare and powerful light affinity

· Abel- a fellow initiate and a servant of the Pottoculli family

· Mike and Gabriel- two orphan brothers. A traveling master caster recognizes the talent of the young Michael. He wants to send him to the Grand Hall and Gabriel comes along as his guardian to nurture his own meagre talent

· Marthe- an initiate also scouted by a traveling master caster. Hates nobles and anything connected to them

· Lavern Newster- ­son of a powerful merchant family

· Peter Pottoculli- son of the Pottoculli family, long time members of the noble faction

· Kristoff- a fellow summoner

· Umphrieltalia- the dorm mother of the Gold Dorm. A powerful caster with the rare mental affinity



Kapitan (kah-pee-tan)

-elven military rank, later stolen by human militias

Generale (ji-nee-rail)

-elven military rank, later stolen by human militias

Dedia (day-dee-ah)

- “heart”, what elves call their beloved, shortened

Dedia’neda (day-dee-ah-nay-dah)

- “heart half”, a term derived from the elven mythos of their creation. When an elf, pronounces their love for another, they offer their heart by having their partner stab them through the chest. The equivalent of wife or husband

Naga su’tani(nah-ga-sue-ta-nee)

- “shadow of tree”, elven warriors of the Dusk Province

Su’dedia inferari (sue-day-dee-ah-en-for-ar-ree)

-“weakness of heart”, how elves refer to succubi

Days of the Week

· Manaday

· Airday

· Waterday

· Earthday

· Fireday

· Restday

· Saintsday


· Four Elemental- Water, Air, Earth, Fire

· Five Greater- Physical, Mental, Null, Light, Celestial


· Artifacts- a tools upon which a spell is inscribed. By running their mana through it and picturing the enchantment, a caster can use a spell instantly, even if they don’t understand it. If connected with an affinity stone, a caster can even use an affinity that isn’t their own

· Xanderium- also called ‘mana ore’. It is the only metal that naturally accumulates mana, which makes it both incredibly durable while also remaining light. If enchanted by an artificer, a caster can utilize the mana gathered in the weapon, which can drastically increase their mana pools. The most precious material in the world


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