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Thank-you boys for all your kind words. This will be the last work I will be posting for a while. As I explained in the update, the patreon is paused and no-one will be charged next month. We will see how we go from there. I will be keep you updated. 

Valentina was always a very calm person. Even as a child she was never one for bouncing off the walls. She would much rather sit with her toys, take them apart and put them back together, or quietly observe her peers. This made her perfect for jobs that required her to stare through the scope of a rifle for hours, hardly moving.

Her target, Natasha Bolovna was a high ranking lieutenant in the Russian mob and fiercely loyal to Valentina’s employer’s competitor. So she had to be taken out to weaken said competitor’s position. The only difficultly was keeping her client’s hands clean … or at least keeping them appearing that way. So she had picked herself up a sniper rifle favoured by the Japanese mob.

You see, on top of being very skilled at the physical act of killing, Valentina was very adept at many of the more strategic aspects of assassination. It wasn’t good enough for someone to be dead, you had to think about the impression it would make and the ends it would achieve. So, you had better believe she did her research. After two weeks of surveillance she found out that Natasha was fucking a pretty little Asian boy who just so happened to be Yukia Monogato’s brother. The less thought about Yukia Monogato the better. Even Valentina would hesitate before getting involved with that Yakuza boss.

‘It must be love,’ the assassin thought to herself. ‘If Natasha is willing to risk that much I guess she must be head over heels for him … poor bitch. It would almost be sad to end such a beautiful love story so soon but … I’m not that much of a hopeless romantic.’

Just as she was about to take the shot Valentina felt a shift in the air. Nothing she could clearly identify but the atmosphere around her had changed. The roof was too still now. There were no birds in sight, whereas before, her still form made them brave enough to at least venture onto the roof. There was someone else here.

‘Fuck me,’ she thought as she made a split second decision. She would have to abandon the rifle and abandon the whole Yakuza honor/revenge plan. ‘Too bad, that one had some poetry to it.’

She, quick as a flash, attached her grapple to the side of the roof and threw herself over the side, gliding safely to the ground. She then ran through the streets and alleyways she had carefully memorized encase just such an escape was needed. Who the hell was on that roof?

All of a sudden her phone rang with an answer ready for her.

“Hello Ms Romanova,” said the unfamiliar voice of an older woman. “We didn’t get a chance to meet properly. My name is Agent Carla Lincoln.”

“How did you get this number?”

“That is not what is important right now. What is important however our quest to end gang warfare. I would have arrested you there and then on the roof but I decided it was better to approach you with an offer.”

Valentina scoffed, there was no way they were close enough to arrest her. The Fed was clearly just trying to save face. It was then that she remembered her promise to the feisty little Fed who’d cum on her leg not that long ago. “That hot little stripper was one of yours wasn’t he?” she asked.

Agent Lincoln seemed to have been stunned into silence for a moment before she replied, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

“I knew that little minx could understand Russian. Respect for the intelligence of Americans is not something Bolovna has, let along the intelligence of American men.”

“Once again Ms Romanova, I have no idea what you are talking about and even if I were it is not really relevant to our current situation.”

“Oh, I believe it is,” replied Valentina was a huge smile on her face. “That sneaky little bastard, I knew there was something funny about him but I guess you just don’t expect an upstanding U.S. government agency to send in their own agents to seduce the enemy. Either way, I would like to speak to him please.”

“I will not…”

“Either you put him on, or whatever little proposal you have for me will never reach my ears.”

There was silence on the other end of the line as the agent considered her options, then said, “Very well, I will fetch him.”

As she was put on hold she contemplated the very nature of what she was doing. She was a stalwart professional. She didn’t play games on her jobs. However, here she was ready to engage in a cat and mouse exercise with a male federal officer who was tasked with catching her client (though, of course she was hardly the mouse in this situation). Normally she would be considering giving herself a slap about the face for this kind of stupidity but a long dormant part of her really wanted to spice things up.

“Ms Romanova,” said the cool voice on the other end of the phone. She felt a slight tingling in her cunt as she was brought back to that private room in the club, where he had his tongue on her clit and his cock on her leg.

“Yes, this is she. And who am I addressing? Or should I just call you ‘honey trap’ for the remainder of our interactions?”

Of course she already knew his name but it was a vital that his bosses didn’t know they knew each other or neither of them would be getting anything out of this.

“You can call me Agent Jones,” he replied, and she could detect no waver in his voice. Just stone cold professionalism. Damn, she was beginning to honestly like this guy … for more than just his pretty face and pert ass.

“Yes, I think it’s best we keep this professional. So, what is this offer your boss wanted to pose to me?”

“Well, we know that you are a career assassin. This mob conflict means nothing to you beyond the fulfilment of your contract. The only reason we have not outed you and your client is because we are trying to avoid an all-out gang war erupting. So, what would you say to keeping your reputation in tact by allowing us to do our job before you can reasonably be expected to do yours.”

“Ah, but you do realise that this means I won’t get paid. This, of course, is less important to me than my professional integrity. I have a job to do, Agent. So have you. I respect that. Sadly your job conflicts with mine. So we will just have to see which hunter catches their prey the fastest. However, since I am so impressed with you I will leave Natasha Bolovna alone for now if you want to continue whatever your agency needs from her. Also, you disrupted my plan so, best for me to move on to another target for now,” she paused as if she was going to hang up and then said, “Oh, and I am going to destroy this phone but if you manage to catch me again I will give you some vital info on this family free of charge. I’m sure a clever boy like you will make use of that.”

She then hung up and was about the smash the phone on the ground before she saw a message from another unfamiliar number. It simply read, ’67 Acklan Street at 22:00. See you then.’

‘That is my fuckin safe house. How did he …’ she took a deep breath. It was a very stupid idea. This could be an ambush but she was feeling a level of excitement she hadn’t felt in years. She wanted to see how this played out. But she was definitely going to be prepared?


Three hours later Valentina was on the roof across the street from her safe house, watching the window for any movement within. She was also keeping an eye on the roads below. Feds … any cops really, liked to think they were sneaky but the truth was, they were easy to spot.

Then she heard a phone ringing. She followed the sound and saw a burner phone tucked in the corner of the roof. She picked it up and said, “Is this a present for me or should I get ready to jump off the roof again.”

“I know you’re not stupid Romanova. You wouldn’t just walk into any place I tell you. This is a show of good faith, I’m here alone,” there was a pause. “And also to show you exactly who you’re dealing with.”

Valentina couldn’t help it, she laughed out loud. Professional though she may be she was not a robot. She took boys home when she felt that itch that needed scratching but they were never good for more than one fuck. None of them interested her. Natasha Bolovna’s little boyfriend, cute though he may be was this quiet, submissive little accessory who never even went to college. Here was a pretty face with some brains behind it.

Oh, she was going to love putting this one on his back.

“Alright, if you are trying to lure me in you are going to have to provide better bait than that.”

“Well, what do you want? How about you come to the window and strip in front of it so I know you’re serious.”

This would have the effect proving that he was serious and making it more likely that he was alone. The window was cut off from site by the windowless building across the street Valentina was standing on. So, there was no chance anyone would see him. The line went dead and two seconds later the toned figure of Agent Nathaniel Jones appeared in the window wearing a well-fitting suit. He, slowly and teasingly gripped the lapels of the jacket and pulled it down over his shoulders before methodically opening every single one of the buttons of his shirt, bearing his chest. He gripped his nipples and started playing with them.

He ran his strong fingers over the small nubs. Valentina could see the outline of his body and what he was doing but putting her binoculars gave her a much better view. One of his hands trialed down his chest to massage the taught muscles of his stomach before one thumb dipped teasingly into his trousers. Valentina felt her cunt getting wet. She raised the binoculars to look and his face and sure enough it was flushed and obscene. He was alternating between biting his lip and opening his mouth as if he were moaning. She thought of that mouth. The one that had worked her clit so good. The tongue that had made its way inside her.

She wasn’t going to wait anymore. She shoved her hand inside her own trousers and started to masturbate, watching the overly sexualized movements of her little opponent. He was undoing his belt now. He pulled the garment out of the belt loops and theatrically let it fall to the ground before slowly pulling down his zipper. Valentina directed the binoculars right on his crotch. She remembered how pretty his cock had been and how good it felt pressed up against her. It was hard again and looked so relieved to be released from its fabric prison. Her cunt was very slick now as she viciously rubbed herself, keeping a stubborn hold on the binoculars with the other hand.

He then turned around so his back was facing the window and eased the trousers and underwear down over his ass, stopping just below the crease.

“Oh sweet fuck,” Valentina said out loud as her rubbing got faster and more desperate while she watching him pry his cheeks open, revealing a pretty little hole. Oh, boy would she like to play with that someday. That was a sure fire way to make a man scream. She knew a lot of more traditional men actually prefer to allow illicit lovers to play with their holes because then they would ‘still be a virgin where it mattered’, whatever the hell that meant. She had taken a boy like that home once and while she had enjoyed him, being denied his cock was infuriating. She just wanted to get the walls of her cunt around it and take him like he had never been taken. Still, he had been adamant that it wasn’t proper.

‘And being bent over my lap with a vibrator in your ass is proper enough for you?’ she had wanted to say.

There would be no bullshit with Nathaniel Jones. She could tell. He was a free spirit. When she finally got him in her clutches she was going to destroy him. And it was with that thought that she came, hard and intense. She felt her thighs shake and her cunt clench around nothing as she road out the orgasm to the sight of Agent Jones’ sweet ass and the thought of taking him; taking his cock, taking his whole, beautiful body and making it hers.

Forcing herself to recover quickly she picked up the burner phone and hit the callback option. She was somewhat gratified to hear that the voice on the other end was a little breathless. “So,” he said. “Are you going to come over here and fuck me or what?”

“Sorry, pretty thing,” she grinned. “But I’ve gotten myself off just fine thanks to you. Maybe next time. And by the way I hope you are keeping this number because I will be destroying this phone and calling you on another one. Thanks for the show, and since I enjoyed it so much, here’s a little tidbit of info that might be of use, as payment. Natasha Bolovna is fucking Yusei Monogato. Bye, pretty boy.”

Then with the number securely in her memory she smashed the phone on the ground and took off. There was nothing she wanted more than to go into that apartment and fuck him until he couldn’t see straight but he had gotten the upper hand on her too many times tonight. She couldn’t forget that, above all else he was a law enforcement offer and she was an assassin. If she gave him too much ground she could so easily fall into a trap. Plus, it wouldn’t do for anyone to think they could get one over on Valentina Romanova.

She would get him on his back one day. She would just have to wait until the right moment presented itself.


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