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December Poll 1

  • ASMR Monologue- Maidan saves you from Highway Robber 1
  • Story-Themed Restaurant 1
  • Story-Planning the Senator's Holiday Party 1
  • 2021-12-01
  • 3 votes
{'title': 'December Poll 1', 'choices': [{'text': 'ASMR Monologue- Maidan saves you from Highway Robber', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Story-Themed Restaurant', 'votes': 1}, {'text': "Story-Planning the Senator's Holiday Party", 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 12, 1, 11, 51, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 3}


So the winter month is here and in these first stories we will see some seasonal themes of cold and festivities. The Highway Robber rescue tied with last month's winner so it's making an appearance here again.

  • Maidan saves you: Pretty much what it says. You are travelling by foot on a cold winter's day when you are set upon by robbers. I save you, take you back to my place and pamper you since you have had such a fright.
  • Themed Restaurant: It's the winter season and the boys at the themed restaurant are all in their little snow prince uniforms. Perhaps the ladies on their work night out will take one home. 
  • Planning the Senator's Holiday Party: David is pulling an all-nighter with the senator, trying to organise the perfect holiday party that will dazzle doners and and poltical rivals alike. However, they are finding it hard to get any work done. 

Also if the options that don't win get enough votes that will be carried over to poll 2.



3-way tie? Haha, oh dear... Also, "3-way tie" sounds like a story prompt ;)