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Hi Everyone!

March’s Collections are ready for their spotlight, and we’re excited to share them with you all.

The noble knights of House Lionheart are joined by the denizens of the Ragged Moor, and a trio of lordly Penitent Heroes, each bearing a terrible curse.


Before we dive in – Don’t miss out on Craftworld Studio’s Livestream tomorrow, find out how Marko works his magic on one of our Cultists in just 30minutes!

Click here to find out more! 


Now, onto the March release!

House Lionheart

Sallying forth from his mighty redoubt, the good & kindly Lord Lionheart is a bulwark of beneficence for his beloved subjects, or at least that’s what he’s demanded we write here – we’d rather not tangle with that beefcake riding behind him!

Ragged Moor

Landing later this month, we’ve got the denizens of the Ragged Moor – A pack of man-wolves, the Scion of Calden, and an enormous corrupted Dragon! A perfect set of beasties to face down the serried ranks of House Lionheart.

Penitent Heroes

Next, we have the Accursed Lords – a trio of lords and ladies, each bearing the weight of a terrible curse – time, beastliness and birdy…ness? Now that we’re into our second month of themed Penitent Heroes, what do you think about the new format?

5E Stat Books & Lore

Our All-In Tier Subscribers will be receiving the new-look Statblock & Lore Booklets for House Lionheart & The Ragged Moor – The new books have undergone a visual overhaul, featuring more lore, more imagery and more information – making these booklets the perfect primer, whether you’re looking to learn more about Doaden, or integrate them into your D&D Campaign!

Don’t forget, we’ll also be launching the updated Adventure Archive in March - 19 classic adventures will be coming your way!

Subscriber Bonuses

If you’ve only just joined us, you might not be aware of our Additional Subscriber Benefits – The Welcome Pack, Loyalty Rewards and 50% Subscriber Discount!

Find the 50% Discount Here.

In our Loyalty Programme, your ongoing support is rewarded with a host of awesome miniatures! With Season 2 having just launched, expect to see more awesome miniatures joining the programme soon!

Our stacked Welcome Pack features two Collections, two Adventures and a set of Penitent Heroes and Display Pieces.

Thanks as always for your support, your patronage allows us to continue to produce these grimdark nightmares!

Let us know in the comments which models you’re most excited about!


Bestiarum Team



Xavier Dealbert

Subscribed some days ago. I was waiting for Friday to see my march and welcome files in MMF but there's nothing in my library.