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What Terrors Await? April Release Vote

  • The Puppeteer 195
  • Beasts of the Steaming Jungle 56
  • Moonstruck Astrologers 191
  • Desert Nomads 63
  • 2024-02-08
  • 505 votes
{'title': 'What Terrors Await? April Release Vote', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Puppeteer', 'votes': 195}, {'text': 'Beasts of the Steaming Jungle', 'votes': 56}, {'text': 'Moonstruck Astrologers', 'votes': 191}, {'text': 'Desert Nomads', 'votes': 63}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 8, 14, 53, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 505}


Hi Everyone!

It’s that time again – we want to hear what you want to see in March’s release! With a Dragon Hunt across the Ragged Moor looming in just a few weeks, we’re asking you to cast your minds ahead to April!

We’re going to keep April’s first collection under wraps for a little while longer, but expect to see the skittering return of a many-limbed subterranean terror – or is that giving too much away?

Let’s dive into the choices:


The Puppeteer

The Engineer’s boundless genius was driven to one singular, unattainable goal - the creation of life from lifelessness. For years they honed their craft, their path littered with intricate and artisanal automata. Near-perfect simulacra of life, but each missing that one, quintessal spark…

Beasts of the Steaming Jungle

The air hangs about you thick and heavy, like a rancid stew. No matter how despearately your party hacks a path through the undergrowth, vines seem to catch and snag at your heels – as if with a mind of their own. Viscous and compelling odours assail your nostrils, beckoning you in amongst the vines, and primordial roars echo from the treetops…

Moonstruck Astrologers

Gaze too long into the void, the void will also gaze into you. This gathering of august academics, sequestered away in their great observatory have stared far too deeply into the cold depths of the cosmos, and through their observance, have materialised something terrible beyond human understanding.

Desert Nomads

Though much of the arid lands to the South of the Azerai Empire are under the control of Balazar’s Court of Infernal Pleasures, some free men still call the sands home. Nomads, rangers and wanderers, the harsh lives these folk carve from the Desert have made them strong. Strange Pacts with entities from the deep dunes afford them a great power.


We can’t wait to see which ones you choose! Remember, we’d love it if you drop your own suggestions and ideas in the comments below – there is a high chance that they will appear in a future round of voting!

You’ll have to wait a little longer for the first big March preview, but in the meantime, can you hear that howling, from out across the Ragged Moor?


Bestiarum Crew


Rick Heemskerk

OOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo i love the idea of the moonstruck astrologers. Just magic science people staring a bit too deep into the void, being completely consumed by whatever starry creature/deity is out there, slowly corrupting them. Yes please yes please that would make me so incredibly happy