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Hey Everybody,

Things are going to take a turn for the wyrd this November, no, we’re not talking about the return of the N’Gorroth just yet, but the NPCs! Let’s dive into the character designs for the collection.

This set focuses on a few strange and unusual characters that a lucky (or unlucky) adventurer might come across on their travels across Doaden. Rare and peculiar beings, each of these will be a centerpiece miniature in their own right.

Briszt, the Caravaneer

Purveyor of the very finest wares at the fairest prices, this honest merchant travels the roadways of Doaden, eagerly presenting his stock to the intrigued. Despite his apparent physical awkwardness, this astute fellow is quite capable of rapidly escaping any danger, or dissatisfied customer…

Fateweaver Araneidae

To truly perceive the manifold threads of fate that web and ensnare mortal kind is a terrible thing. To know one’s preordained Golden Path is to know true madness. As such, Araneidae takes great care in sharing her fortunes, erring on the cryptic, lest the unobscured truth drive the receiver to some Terrible Purpose.

The Forbidden Fence

Over here, stranger! Got something that might interest ya.

A seemingly endless array of illicit treasures can be drawn out from this strange salesman’s cloak. Weapons, gemstones, strange alchemical substances, this creature seemingly has it all, yet still it will greedily seek more. The Forbidden Fence is willing to purchase all manner of peculiar products a well-to-do adventure might have secreted away in their pack.

Slavesmith Thubacaine

To walk the path of the artisan to be a slave to one’s craft. True enough for poor Thubacaine, the Slavesmith. Shackled to his anvil, this pitiful behemoth tempers, hammers and works endlessly, creating wonders beyond his broken form.

Shackled alongside Thubacaine are a host of strange diminutive creatures. Attendants to their master, they are near enough extensions of the chained master’s will.

And that about covers this first November Preview! Let us know what you think in the comments. We’ll be back again soon with some cephalopodic sneak peeks of the dreaded N’Gorroth’s return to the shores.


Bestiarum Team



tyler dockery

I was thinking: That's an awesome image! Wow, that's so great! What?!? Even better? WHAT!?!? so much great stuff here!

Martin Lysén

The playful mixing of various high concepts together with some traits from certain beloved characters from various digital media is truly well executed here. Bestiarum shows that it understands and is steeped in modern dark fantasy.

Mattias Mirabile

Every mini patreon does their normal monthly release of a batch of cool monsters to throw against the PCs. Rarely do we get such cool centerpiece NPCs to make the world that much more immersive and amazing! I'm loving this release.