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Salutations Good People,

October’s big reveal is here! Coming at you is a host of brutal dark knights, a haunting of harrowing ghosts, and, of course, a trio of mighty Penitent Heroes. Let’s dive straight into it –

Covenant of Grief – Week 1

STL & All-In Tiers

The Covenant of Grief collection fleshes out (or ectoplasms out?) Bestiarum’s roster of Undead entities – if you’re a fan of spectral robes and spooky gravestones, this is the collection for you!

Queen of Sorrows – 60mm Base

Attendants of Despair x 3 - 25mm Base

Strighast – 40mm Base

Mournwraiths Multipart Kit – 25mm Base

Mournwraiths Pre-Posed x 10 - 25mm Base

Howling Banshee – 32mm Base

The Querubin - 25mm Base

Ark of Grief – 170mm Oval Base

Sarcophagus - Terrain

Gravestones & Tomb Kit

We’ve also got some serious modularity in this set, the Mournwraiths are supplied as a 30-piece kit; the arms, weapons, and heads can be interchanged to create a mega-haunting if you wish!

Knights of Beast – Week 2

STL & All-In Tiers

The Knights of the Beast collection delivers you a tonne of customizable, plate-armored, and brutish warriors.

The Chariot and Marauders will be revealed very soon - they're spending some extra time at the forge.

Black Oath Champions x 2 – 40mm Base

Beastsworn Ravagers Multipart Kit – 32mm Base

Beastsworn Ravagers Pre-Posed x 10 - 32mm Base

Marauder Lieutenant - 75x42mm Base

Goreforged War Chariot – 120 x 92mm Base

Beastsworn Marauders x 3 – 75 x 42mm Base

Beastsworn Marauders Multipart Kit – 75 x 42mm Base

We’ve designed this set with Modularity at the core, meaning you’ve got a tonne of unique ways to build these miniatures, particularly the Beastsworn Ravagers, whose kit includes 34 unique parts, meaning you’ll be able to create absolute HORDES of these bastards.

Penitent Heroes – Week 1

STL & All-In Tiers

Darkmantle – 25mm Base - $1 Hero

Shrouded in tattered armor, the black knight Darkmantle strides onto the battlefield, a symbol of relentless doom. With sword and cannon, he metes out a grim fate, leaving naught but ruin in his wake.

The Necromage – 25mm Base - STL & All-In Tiers

Bound by dark oaths and wielding forbidden magics, the masked necromage serves as a vile conduit for the malevolent spirits lurking beyond the veil. His very presence saps the light from the room, leaving only the chill of impending doom.

Witchbane – 25mm Base - STL & All-In Tiers

Witchbane stalks the land, a grim sentinel with a razor focus: to root out and destroy the occult wherever it hides. His gaunt visage is a testament to the relentless pursuit of his quarry, one that permits no rest until his foes are vanquished.

RPG Adventures

RPG & All-In Tiers

Siverfell Ruins

The ruined town of Siverfell, submerged in shadows and the eerie stillness of an underground lake, is a haunt for ghostly apparitions and spectral horrors. On either side of the ravine, two twin towers rise upwards along the cliff face, connecting to the world above, yet descent is ill-advised, for few have managed to escape the horrors below…

Blackthorn Manor

Lord Geddyn’s once-noble knights have become twisted paragons of darkness, falling to corruption after his binding to a malevolent evil that now lays claim to their souls. This evil thing, the mother of beasts, twists their bodies and minds into its own sinister image, driving them to horrendous deeds. The party must seek to infiltrate the manor and rid the lands of their ilk. In the manor residence, the dark knights are attempting to summon the spirit Ydir, a malformed offspring of the mother of beasts, a malignant evil that plagues the wilds and drives lesser men insane.

Path of Penitence – Crusade Progression Module

As your party completes missions for the Penitent Crusade, they will gain ranks and respect amongst their peers. This progression system grants access to Crusade vendors, artisans, and specialists, providing the party with meaningful advancement and aid on their journey. Also, as the party gains favor, they might even regain their freedom to explore, select adventures, or conduct investigations on their own, taking charge of their own destinies!

Forbidden Psalm Adventure – Siverfell Ruins

This month’s Forbidden Psalm Adventure will be adapted from Siverfell Ruins and feature the Covenant of Grief Miniatures as your foes, limber up and sharpen those blades!

October Vault Drop – Week 3

STL & All-In Tiers

The Skragoth Tribes, raiders from the misty seas and supplicants to dark and unknowable gods. While the heavily armored raiders will remain shrouded behind the mists of our 50% Store Discount, we’ll be sharing this trio of winged Skragoth Zealots later in October!

Subscriber Benefits

RPG Adventures, STL Miniatures & All-In Tiers

Alongside August's double release a HUGE Welcome Pack, Loyalty Rewards and a 50% Discount across our MMF store await you!

Click Here for a 50% Discount and Discord Invite

Thank you all for your continued support, we hope you're all looking forward to a spooky October!


Bestiarum Team



tyler dockery

Unbelievable! Cannot wait to see what your team does with villagers / commoners upcoming!

Benji Sincles

amazing, when will the beastsworn be available in MMF?

War Mammoth

Perfection (again). All is amazing, but the Knights of the Beast look like they are right out of a medieval horror novel. Well done!

John Elliott

Holy Ballz! Big Holy Ballz!

Cristiano Ramos

Hello! I have just joined, to get the October release. It is still 31st. Hope there was time.