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Hi Everyone,

While the team are making their way back from Adepticon, we're pleased to share a sneak peek at what you've got coming this April. As some of you have already guessed from the hints we've been dropping on Discord, the Crusade is once again marching to war!

After the burning death unleashed upon the Northern Realms, High Lord Azriel, master of the Penitent Crusade, marches his forces to Stürmenburg, laying siege to the resolute city to quell any nascent signs of rebellion.

The zealous warriors you see before you are only a small selection of what's coming in April. Soon we'll be revealing a glorious Crusade War Camp, Lord Azriel's mighty Steed, and even more grim miniatures that will present the true might of the Crusade marshaled for War.

Lord Azriel

Lord Azriel is a master of the Penitent Crusade, a hulking brute whose imposing silhouette belies a savant mind capable of masterfully orchestrating the maelstrom of battle, whether on foot or atop his strange and mighty steed.

When we say imposing silhouette, we mean imposing silhouette. Even on foot, Lord Azriel stands at near twice the height of one of Doaden's 'average' folk.

Warriors of the Crusade

Following the mighty lord, we've got a host of strange and unique Knights of the Crusade, representing the eclectic mix of warriors who serve in the Church's Military.

Repentor Primus ON FOOT

Lastly for the preview, we've heard your cries! With Lord Azriel leading the Crusade forces this April, the mighty Repentor Primus can afford to slow the pace a little and hop off his mighty Destrier...

Test Prints

We've just got a few of these plated warriors test printed too, and they've come off beautifully. The good folks over at Atlas 3DS have done a stellar job as usual, and with all the armour plates, cleanup was a breeze. 

We'll have some more to share before the month is up, there's some seriously exciting stuff coming this April, and we're looking forward to showing it to you all!

Stay tuned and speak soon,

Bestiarum Team





Theo Fontane

Cool! I'm so excited to see what else is in the release. You made such a great horse carriage in the first release of the crusade and I freaking love it!


This is so amazing I just bought the first and second collections in anticipation.