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Hey folks,

Coming at you with a spicy preview of what's to come from Bestiarum this March!

Meet the Court of Balazar, seekers of sensation, purveyors of pain. These mad warriors serve their corpulent master with near-fetishistic zeal.

Check out these concepts for some of the models coming next month:


We'll also be stepping away from the Western Empire this month, and visiting Doaden's warmer climbs, the deserts of Akhamia, where Balazar's Court is situated.

The Man Himself

Oh lord, he coming. Balazar is an absolute beast of a model. Far too busy experiencing life to walk himself, Balazar is mounted on an enormous Palanquin, which will be revealed soon!

We're looking forward to hearing what you all think about the March reveal, let us know in the comments and all the usual good places.


Bestiarum Team




I really like the Hellraiser style on this abominations! Its looks disgusting, congrats :)

Bugbear Druid

I'm absolutely stoked for this.

Adam Christopher Boyd

This just popped up on push notifications.....today is January 16, 2024. So.........???