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Bestiarum Games are proud to present our new and improved Welcome Pack!

Our new Welcome Pack contains everything you need to dive into the grim and dark World of Doaden. Alongside the miniatures, you’ll also find the Burial Isle and Rise of the Jailer RPG Supplements - giving you the tools to kick off an adventure in 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, or Forbidden Psalm.

Without further ado, let's dive into it!

STL and All-In Tier Patrons will receive 28 Miniatures, and 2 Starter Adventures:

  • Starter Lone Heroes - 4 Miniatures
  • 2 Display Pieces - 4 Variations
  • Burial Isle - Doaden Starter Adventure and 9 Miniatures
  • Rise of the Jailer  - Doaden Starter Adventure and 11 Miniatures

The Lone Heroes

First up is our starter cadre of Lone Heroes Odrig, Yorick, Otto and Yerana. This crew is a perfect starting point for your adventures in the nightmarish world of Doaden.

Burial Isle - The Adventure and Miniatures

Your first Adventure in Doaden is Burial Isle, and see the heroes sent over the seas to investigate reports of cult activity on a small island, just off the Western Empire's Mainland.

Burial Isle is an Adventure intended for Level 1 Heroes, taking them to Level 3.

Rise of the Jailer

Following directly on from Burial Isle, the remaining heroes are thrust into greater peril in Rise of the Jailer. Facing down the adherents of a dark cult and ultimately, facing down an Aspect of the Jailer itself!

Completing this adventure will bring your Adventurers from level 3 up to level 5 (if they survived!) - at this point, the world fully opens up, and you can jump into ANY of our monthly adventures.

Display Pieces

Alongside all this, we've also got some awesome Display Pieces for you - the HUGE Beast Slayer 75mm Diorama and the classic Undead Knight - in 32mm, 75mm and 150mm Bust Versions! This guy makes the perfect starter project if you're never tried painting larger scale miniatures before!

Well that about covers it! There's a hell of a lot in this set, we hope it gives more of you a strong foundation for getting the most out of our monthly releases!

And, as always, thank you for your support!


Bestiarum Team
