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Hi Everyone!

December is well and truly here - that means it’s time for the Penitent Crusade to barrel their way back onto the scene!

Also, this month you can pick up an extra Lone Hero! We've launched the Bestiarum Grand Survey - Answer Questions, Grab a free STL!




(Link available until 31st December)




(Link available until 31st December)

PROGRESS: 5th Edition DnD Module is LIVE! - Forbidden Psalm to come!





The Penitent Crusade is an iron fist, a standing army used to enforce the faith and laws of the Holy Western Empire. Sinners, criminals and brigands, their ranks are indoctrinated to walk the Path of Redemption, the central credo of the Crusade.

Marching brazenly into the dark, they purge monsters, demons and any manner of threats to the realm. Yet, one must be wary, for when rumours of heresy and hidden cults emerge, the eyes of the Church of Azerai soon follow, and the flames of the Emperor’s wrath and judgement are not far behind.

Those of the Crusade are wholly overtaken by unquestionable faith, and the need to purge the corruption with the blazing fire of the Emperor. In their wake, these zealots often leave a trail of dead, guilty and innocent alike.

THE MINIATURES (Slayer and Warlord Tiers)

This month, you'll be receiving:

- Iron Maiden, Crusade Battlemaster with Flame Defender Bodyguard;

- Azerai Mages - 32mm Base x3;

- Flame Defenders - 40mm Base x4;

- Irredeemed Flagellants x5;

- Surtr, the Flame Giant;

- Purifying Machine;

- Crusade Victims - Scatter Terrain x6;

- Lone Hero: The Smiling Brother;

- BONUS: Since the last preview, we've added an extra set of infantry: 

- x4 Irredeemed Reavers - 25mm base

DISPLAY PIECES (Slayer and Warlord Tiers)

We’ve got another awesome pair of display pieces this month! This Time Alexei has resculpted the Flame Defender, re-proportioning and re-detailing for 75mm! He’ll join the Iron Maiden in a massive diorama piece!

- Iron Maiden: 75mm and Bust Versions;

- Flame Defender: 75mm and Bust Versions.

RPG CONTENT (Warlord and Tactician Tiers) - ETA Mid Month

This month's RPG Content will see adventurers hot on the trail of the Iron Maiden, battle master of the Crusade, as she ploughs a trail of fire and desolation through the North. Whether the Heroes manage to stop the Iron Maiden before her cruel deeds serve as the spark to ignite war with Stürmenburg, remains to be decided.

Warlords and Tacticians will receive the following this month:

- 5E Adventure: The Penitent Crusade: Part Two;

- Forbidden Psalm Scenarios: Penitent Crusade Part Two.


This month, we're launching our grand subscriber survey! We want to hear more about your experience as a Subscriber and what you want you want to see from Bestiarum in the future!

You can find a link to the Survey in the Download Posts for your tier :)



As a thank you for taking the time to answer our burning questions, we've got a NEW and EXCLUSIVE Lone Hero - The Knight waiting for you once you've finished the Survey :)


Will be available this month for all our supporters!

Thanks again, everyone, we hope you enjoy December’s release, happy printing!

Alexei & the Bestiarum Team



Stephen Yerly

Does anyone have an idea on the base size of the purifying machine?

Valentin Drouet

Love it ! And love the extra additions !! Great coherence in this release, and it could also fit with previous sets, that’s awesome :) I just personally miss the global image where we can clearly see all the minis, but that’s a detail ! Don’t forget to take a deserved break for the holidays, and see you soon for more wonders !!


Each moth come with less content of minis.. if this continue i will quit and start to download for free ur content from stl groups, im just here to support ur work cause is amazing but lately ur number of models per month is low... Famous and money became ppl lazy


Brilliant, brilliant set again! The victim terrain is especially cool, would love to see versions without the bodies, just empty pyres/breaking wheels.

Brandon Ryan

This might just be my favorite release yet! Great work!! 😁


Awesome work buddy like always, If theres a Part 3 maybe Mozgus and the torturers I know there are already some in Cult of the Tormentor and Calden but maybe the guy with the plague doctor mask and the big guy with wheel plus some torture instruments. Thank you for your work you are best creator

3 Dungeon

The best release so far!

Michael James Donovan

Up there with the best Bestiarum release, so far. Much prefer these smaller, more detailed and true-to-form souls releases.


Please a complete release for/like the lone hero knight from the survey. Hes awesome. Thank you :)


Adressing you concerns and/or displeasure is absolutely fine but threatening to steal someones work, thats really low.


One of the best releases so far from you and the bonus lone knight is also one of your best single minis. +1 for more Souls-like Knights - a "Lothric"-theme ("The noble Undead Order" or something like this would be fantastic.

Robby Shearon

Ok. I get that you're pissed. However, it is NOT ok to insult this group of amazing artists, and even worse, threaten to outright steal their work. Doing that is highly illegal and just downright trashy. I suggest you voice your concerns POLITELY. There is no upside to getting all riled up at people for doing something that is PERFECTLY FINE! For a multitude of reasons they might reduce their models per month, one being burnout. Let's go with this for our purposes. Would you rather have less models, or none? Have a wonderful day.


Thank you Valentin! we do our best to make sure all models match their bundles and represent the same mood! btw, big image was added!


Thanks for the support, guys. Sorry to hear you feel that way Antonio! I can see you've been with us for a long while now, thank you for the support. We have indeed reduced the volume of miniatures of our releases over the past few months - this decision was made to give us more time to focus on quality over quantity. Premium quality models and Intricate designs were always a feature of Bestiarum, and it takes serious time and effort to have the work done, especially with the insane tempos that the subscription system implies. On the subject of piracy, we’d always encourage our supporters to report that activity as they see it, to us, or the platform. The harm done by piracy is massive for such a small company as we are. Bestiarum is not a multi-million dollar corporation with a legion of robots and staff to find and take pirate sites down, or to swamp google with official sites. We’re a small team with a passion for creating a mature dark fantasy, something which is only possible thanks to our supporters. To support us or not it’s a personal thing to decide.


Thanks mate! Hell, yeah i love those pieces a lot, we made them modular so they can be easily used for dioramas. I'll see if we can do something with it, but no promises


Thanks, mate, we do our best to balance the effort in the way to get enough variations in units and keep the quality plank high


Yeah, that would be marvelous to make a set of knights! world of Doaden needs not only monsters and abominations :)


Yep you got right guys, sorry for my complainings, i got a lot of hype every months for each release because to me this is the best minis patreon at the moment and i expect a bit more. I will continue with you guys sorry for my words sometimes the hate consume me xd keep doing such amazing work. And again, so sorry


Are you guys planning on release a new roadmap for 2023?

Mikah Kriyjkes

The Flame Defender bust looks like a Rook for a chess set. 😆 It's great! Now I wanna see if I can put a chess set together from all these months lol

jordan parker

My guess is the new survey will help narrow their idea board down so they can create the roadmap for at least half of 2023. I doubt it'll be for all of 2023 as they'll need to collect data from sales of sets/models, new subscriber numbers, and number of subscribers leaving.

Doctah Seuss

Anyone else having major sync.com issues? It happened with Crippled God Foundry and again with Bestiarum.

maxime Paquette

I really love that release ! Do you know when the rest of the presupported will be ready ? I know you must be rushing this out, but i just want to know if i leave my resin in for a couple of days or should i clean that up if it take more then a week ? Sorry to bother. I really love your work !

Nate Crackel

I hate Sync. Not sure what your specific problem is, but I've found that when it hangs up on 'Calculating Size' for a full-release download, you can instead download each folder individually and it works right away. Not ideal, but it gets the job done.

Nate Crackel

While I agree that threat of piracy is no way to go about a complaint, I can't help but to echo Antonio's resentment towards the release sizes, which have - by Bestiarum's admission, even - gotten smaller. As a consumer who is paying money for a service, I am finding myself lately questioning the cost vs reward in each month's release. And, as a regular subscriber for roughly a year or so, I declined last month's offering because of its size, and I frankly feel like "focusing on quality over quantity" is cop out reasoning (and to be fair, it's because I feel like the quality has ALWAYS been there, we just used to get more models, too). I understand burnout, but perhaps it's because you're putting too much on your plate? Lore is cool, busts are OK I guess, the suggestion of a skirmish game in your survey presents a neat idea, but maybe THOSE are the ideas that need to be rolled back instead of the meat of your release - the models themselves - suffering for the respite. Maybe you guys can do a month of fresh models that don't connect in any way to the overall scheme in order to rejuvinate the creative juices? I dunno. I apologize for the rant, but I didn't want a legitimate concern that I empathize with get lost in the "WE SHALL STEAL THEM!" response.

Francesco Rinaldi

Hi, i clicked on the Warlord link to download the welcome pack but i find the older one. When this new one will be released? Thanks in advance

Tom Hill

Looks amazing, are we going to get a schedule for what's coming next year? Any chance for some dragon ogres to go with the beasts?

Aldwyn P.

I would love if we could get some villagers to populate a town, just...tossin' that out there~


There's a few in our Beastmen Part 1 Release! https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-terrified-peasants-x5-242975

Ryan Rusby

Love this, the knight especially. I was wondering if you are still doing paint contests? It's cool if not, just want to make sure I'm not missing the party. Keep up the great work!


Hi Ryan - no painting contests at the moment I'm afraid, but it's definitely something we want to kick off again in the future!

David Sives-Rutherford

can you make it easier to download the jpg artworks please going forward