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Hi Everyone,  

We're excited to share this awesome new collaboration with Craftworld Studio! A step by step painting tutorial for Blagomir the Silent, the Lone Hero from September's Deadmire Release.

In the beautiful PDF, Marko takes you through the painting process from start to finish, along the way explaining some really useful points of painting theory and practical - including underpainting, colour selection and overlapping layers. Seriously, this tutorial is a fantastic resource for folks looking to improve their painting skills!

Many of you might already have seen Aleksandra and Marko's incredible work at Craftworld Studio on social media, but they also have a Patreon, offering a whole host of incredibly helpful content this like painting guide!

Let's hear it from the dynamic duo themselves -

We are  Aleksandra  Cvetanovski & Marko Miladinović, the artist couple behind Craftworld Studio.

We are known in the miniature painting community for many years now by our painting style and artistic approach.

Love for both traditional and applied arts pulled us straight into Miniature Art Field, where we both switched our canvases for 3d canvas - Display Miniatures.

Of course, next to all of this there is the gamer side in both of us loving the lore of some of the popular gaming systems that brought us closer to miniatures in the first place.

We spent years traveling and teaching our painting technique throughout the world. Making Classes about Art Fundamentals and Color Use. We want to bring our techniques and commit our time to online lessons as well. By sharing videos and pdf content. But also, working closely with some of you , helping you create your art and develop your style.

Become Part of our Patreon Community and learn about Miniature Painting Art.

If you're here for the Hobby, we strongly recommend you check out CraftWorld Studio's Patreon, they're good people who make great stuff!  


You can check out the Craftworld Studio Patreon Here 

The PDF is downloadable direct from this post, split into two parts or via SYNC 


Thanks to Marko and Aleksandra for this fantastic collaboration!



Bestiarum Team
