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Hi friends,  Happy to share with you our September release preview!

We will meet a tribe of lizard men who inhabit a specific region in the Desert of Giant Skulls.  
This massive region is covered with black sand.

Rumors say  that in the middle of this dead land are Red mountains that became home  for an almost mythical tribe of lizard men.   

They hunt every living being that dares to step on their land, dragging  them deep inside the caves to feed its blood and bones to the Ancient  one who sleeps deep under the altar plates. ​

Be back to you with final presentation as soon as we finish!

Always happy to know your opinions!




Yesss really excited for this been wanting some lizzard clan for DnD so this will be perfect


Amazing work


Nice !

Eric Sheldon

Every release in this Patreon is so fucking good, it's unbelievable. Super looking forward to lizardmen, as I do with every month's release!

Gary Krieger

Simply amazing release. Very unique take on Lizardmen. Can’t wait to see it done.


Brilliant! I really like your take on them, look like different kinds of lizards. The onw who looks like it might be a priest also reminds me of a turtle in his face 😁


I kept reading the one as "Beaver" and thinking, "well, that's not very intimidating..."

Sikharin K.

My birth month is looking extremely awesome!

Kory Kennedy

These are the best lizardmen miniatures I've seen. There is almost a Dark Crystal Skeksis creepiness to them. Awesome work!

Gunter Schmidt

That's very, very noice. Noiiiiice, even. Lizzies, but twisted. They - and the giant bird currently available - are so good indeed, that I now want a whole lot of Beastmen from you guys. The classic goatheads and minos, yes, but a whole lot of your own twisted takes on it as well, with pigman/boar headed bruisers, insect headed matrons with maggots feeding on their torsos, horsemen (but NOT centaurs), fishmen, maybe even a giant and FAT deer humanoid, to twist the more common skinny Wendigo theme (and sorta the undead/possessed elk you did). Dogmen soldiers. Porcupine archers. Everything.


Can't wait to paint these


I'm blown away by this! If there were core troops like basic warriors I'd use them in a Lizardmen army


Looks great - Very happy with Septembewr releases!