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Hi friends,

Thank you for the patience, it took us way longer then i expected to prepare Kitbash files and presupported versions for you.

There is a chance that for the future releases kitbash sets can be removed to keep our pipeline more consistent and release dates closer to the first dates of the month.

Now Release  is 100% ready and uploaded on SYNC
those who miss the release will receive it on MMF in August so no worries.

Soon i'll be sharing more info on our August release!


During presupporting process we’ve found some artifacts in the geometry of the Arena’s assets and we fixed them.

Please re-download them in case you plan to presupport files by yourself.




Nicholas Prior

Not a problem, personally I'd be fine without kitbashes.


They look amazing, well worth the wait!!!!


You could make a poll about kitbashing, personally I like it and I think it's worth the wait or even a smaller release

Niels Kristensen

Personally I love the kitbashing sets, but as a merchant they are a bit more difficult to manage. Long story short: Whatever works for you is fine with :)


I love kitbash sets too but for me those are not 100% necessary, maybe you can do a poll like every 3 months and ask to vote some pieces of the monthly bundle that you will be willing to make as kitbashing set and every trimester or quadrimester release the "best" pieces from the last 3-4 bundles choosed by you or by a poll (in order to avoid to make almost every piece of the bundle available for the kitbash). This way every now and then you 'll release just some of the parts as kitbash set in a slightly bigger set than usual but you will not be forced to do it on a monthly basis.

Ian Bennett-Whetzel

I personally print most of your minis in full. However I wont lie the kitbashes are awesome and I do have plans for some. I would be sad to see them go but I would also understand if it's not feasible to keep them! Awesome stuff as always.


I love your kitbash sets and it would be sad to see them go. What if you provided kitbash sets unsupported?

Jonathan Morales

Same I could see if you’re using these as proxies for warhammer or something and want them all to look distinct but for me using them for DnD there’s already more than enough variety,


The kitbash sets present a lot of value to me, and may be the difference between me dropping or not. I use the minis for wargaming, and thus the ability to get more poses etc really enhances the usability of the sets.


Kitbashes don't do it for me, but I understand the value for those that do like em.

Lucas Miguel

The kitbashes are super, super nice. That's primarily my plan for when I back a Patreon. That said, I generally don't feel I ever need those to be presupported.

Dwayne Hinton

i don't understand the LACK of love for kitbashes. you don't have to print out the pieces - you can build the model in the slicer. so instead of having those four guards in a single pose (thinking about the bug kit bash) - you have your heart's desire. then you mix them with other months... oh look, now my bug bottomed dude has a fancy shield and a demon head (or whatever). so like that ONE dancer... that's literally over a squad. cuz i have all kinds of parts and pieces, including women torsos that i can use to mix and match and keep going until i have an army of dancers if i like all built in the slicer, which i then support and save... so whenever i want THAT model, it's there. i save it as a chitu file and normally for slicing/printing, and i think it's the chitu file where all the individual pieces are still movable(?).. regardless... then i can move a leg a little bit, replace a head and add a shield - BOOM totally new character in a couple of minutes (ish).

Dwayne Hinton

also, i'm more than happy to wait for the kitbashes. in the before-times, i had piles of bits that i had to search through for EVER to find juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust the right pieces to build the exact model i had in mind. if i HAVE to, i can cut up a model and get the parts i want. i've had to do that recently to get some various insect heads for the groupies of my noise marine band... noise marines with the heads of various fish and lizards... so their groupies... double up as snacks! now, instead of spending hours to physically put together one single model... i can spend hours in the software making armies that i can REmodify however i want later. like my insect groupies and fish/lizard noise marines... move their arms to different poses, swap out heads - BOOM, entirely new squad. i cannot emphasize how AWESOME kitbashes are, especially when you don't have to chop up the models yourself! if you haven't tried it in the slicer, try it. it might take a little to get the hang of it, especially the vertical heights if you're not accustomed to playing with it... but those are just more skills that'll make you a better hobbyist and give you more appreciation for creators. :)


I agree with most people here, kitbashes are the main reason I joined your patreon. I love your mini's aesthetics and your work in general but the kitbashes allow us to create visually unique minis at will and that's just great.

Timothy E Broekhuizen

I seem to be in the minority here, but I have zero interest in gluing together any more bits than I have to, nor do I want to spend any more time meshing them together. I want to slice, hit print, and take out a dang full mini with zero effort. I don’t want to support, mix, match, etc. If I didn’t love your sculpting aesthetic as much as I do I would have left the patreon simply due to all the kitbash stuff I will likely never use. Just my two cents!

Gregory Morris

For what it's worth, from my perspective the kitbash elements are really, really delightful but at the same time I've no wish to force everyone to go that route. If a compromise is necessary, I would be fine with reducing the number of elements included in the kitbash file each month and let the accumulation over time become accretions of inspiration for us.


if a Miniature has to be in alot of parts, it should be because you then can make different Pose of the same print

Mini Manatee

Just adding my thoughts ~ Love the kitbash stuff and appreciate the extra effort you put in to allow us to really customize the models!


Thank you for the extra effort with the kitbash sets. I absolutely love them any even if I can't use a month I often can use some of the kitbash pieces. It would be really sad to see them go. Maybe have them come out on a delayed schedules so you can take your time with them.


Hi friends, thank you all for the activity in comments! I see that Kitbash sets is what you love and appreciate. I'll do my best to keep them and manage thing in a way it wont harm our releases! Kitbash'em all :)