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Hi friends,

While Dmitrii is finishing pre-supporting and test printing our July release i would like to share with you some images on what to expect in August.

August will be an experimental type of release for me.
I really like to build action scenes, but with figures that are created individual- it can be a problem :)  So i decided to try and make a release that will combine most of the characters in one pre-planned battle scene so on the shelf it can look like a big composition!

I will try to plan the poses in a way so characters can work separately and could be used in various scenarios, but the main focus will remain on the composition.

I took as idea battle between two factions what live in the deserts: "Scorpions" and "Bird People". They don't have the proper names for then yet, lore is on the way :)

In the images you'll find some WIP's on the characters I'm planning to have in the release. The Scorpion King is already done! 

Make sure you have enough resin, the Bird-Monster will be big :)

Feel free to share your thoughts on this idea in the comments, I read everything!

Alexei, Katarina and all Bestiarum Team




Amazing 😱

AquaWolfX 87

My evil laugh is building. I look very forward to unleashing this horde. Fantastic work!


Looks amazing!! Any news on the multi-part kit for the gladiators?


Ohhhh yessss!!!


this looks amazing




Gets better every single month. Top quality work as per usual


**jaw drops** Looks Amazing!


I'd say definitely go for it! Experiment, do what you like! It's what got everyone in love with your work in the first place. If you start only doing what you think we want, then you might experience feeling burnt out on it, which won't be good for anyone. Multă baftă!! :)



Joe Mansfield

Looks like the scorpion people are regular Scorpion Men. Good classic monster. Been around since the Epic of Gilgamesh and really got on their feet in the Runequest FRP.

Joe Mansfield

On the other hand I see your bird people are really more Bird Fans, Bird Handlers and Bird Riders. This provides a nice contrast. Plus, large cargo and war birds (Rocs or Tarns whatever) are such a fantasy classic they appear in Dave Arneson's Blackmoor campaign.


I really love your minis for their style and playability. I've quitted a lot of patreons because of too complex bases and dynamic poses that look cool on the shelf but are completely unplayable. And you are one of the few that make perfect minis for gaming. I'd say do what you like, but if you can make them playable outside the composition I'll be happy with it :)

Joe Mansfield

Seems inevitable the bird people will get compared with Corvus Cabal. At least yours have enough sense to use bows.

Joe Mansfield

Excellent work, as usual. Seems like you are artists first and game piece makers second. This is refreshing to me at least and helps prevent that meeple-y look one notices in a lot of sculptors' multi-part sets. I think it also results in miniatures nobody else would have made.


It would be nice if we could have birds/scorpions that can double as transit vessels. Like it would be cool to be able to put my mini's or a party on top of a scropions back or on top of a bird. Like how wizkids came out with the elephant in waterdeep that would hold minis. Thanks! I hope I hope I hope you do this. It would make it so fun to be able to have my PC's travel by dessert bird or scorpion!

Dwayne Hinton

maybe there could be a variant with a howdah (like what they have on elephants)? also, pic 7 has a saddle for at least three people on the big bird oooo and then i could put a cannon or laser or something in it!

Dwayne Hinton

when yall make a kitbash for this set - could you include tails, pretty please? maybe like a lobster/crawfish tail? cuz those claws would TOTALLY go with that... and NO ONE has lobster/crawfish centaur/drider people

nicholas kirlis

Does the naked guy come with the monster....asking for a friend

Silvio Martins

Your design is great and I am sure that you will do a great material this time again, but that kind of concept, a bigger scenario with the minis is not the kind of thing that makes me go for it. Usually my concern is that if I do not print and use them as they were created for (the big diorama) they won't fit well on other projects nor I will be able to use them in a miniature game etc. Anyway that's just my 2 cents. :)

Silvio Martins

I have the same opinion, Samuel. I am not found of big complex bases, or unplayable minis. cheers!

Gunter Schmidt

I'd like a scorpion body that can fit some of the gladiator torsi from this month. A scorpion gladiator is just cool ;)

Danny Larsen

….😵 Insane, just Insane ! …..Theres a projekt for winter ! ALL winter ! 😂


That bird monster is going to be insane! Any chance of some kitbash "rider" legs?


Its look cool !!! can we have male and female scorpions ?