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UPDATE:  all winners announced!

This month we try a new type of post that includes all Entries, announce of  the 1st place Winner and a Voting poll as well.

It will be UPDATED when the voting poll period ends and we'll announce the 2nd and 3rd places (you all should get a notification then).

Thank you very much, dear participants, for your great entries!

► Please meet the 1st place winner: Federico Cannas!

We weren't able to choose the only one of Federico's gorgeous works, so decided to select all those amazing scenes!
We admire so much the creativity of the dioramas, we can literally read the story narrated by the characters!
Massive thanks for creating and sharing them with us!

▪ Please contact us by PM to get your prizes: 3d printer Sonic Mini 4k + 1L of resin Aqua-Gray 4K + 70% discount on MMF.

► The second place goes to Grant Muir!

Congratulations, an awesome work!
We are really happy to see how cool the Divine Machine can look painted!

▪ Please contact us by PM to get your prizes:  100€ Amazon Gift Card + 70% discount on MMF.

► The third place takes Simon Wood!

Thank you for this amazing painting of the Brother of Silence!
He looks gorgeous in these colors!

▪ Please contact us by PM to get your prizes:  50€ Amazon Gift Card + 70% discount on MMF.

Best regards,
Alexei, Katarina and all Bestiarum Team



Scott Jeffs

Is there a July paint competition

Марк Колесников

Проверьте, кажется там можно проголосовать несколько раз, просто проходя по ссылке заново.

Pablo Retamero

While I think the work of Federico Cannas is astounding and fantastic, I'm also very disappointed. I think he shouldn't have been able to enter in June's competition because he was late and all his entries were posted in July. He should have competed in July, but not in June. I am not a sore loser arguing about the amount of work or how beautiful the pieces look, I simply state that rules were very clear about the Deadline: end of June.


Pablo, Federico got in touch with us before the deadline and explained the situation and got our approval to participate. Technically pieces were ready before the end of June and we all see it, it is clearly visible that its not a problem that he got one extra day to polish the work and because of this he won. Federico got his first prize for amazing dedication and super cool pieces. Totally deserve it! Let's enjoy the hobby, this contest is created for all of you just to have option to share your pieces with us and have fun. Prizes are just a small reward to bring more interest and stimulation and in no way to argue about winners.