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We highly appreciate your support and kind words, friends, it means a lot for us!

And your feedback (especially positive :) ) really helps us and encourages to continue creating releases with passion, to invent something fresh and unique, to think of the stories behind each character and their place in the Bestiarum world.

We are almost done with the release, making final tuning and adding final details.

And meanwhile want to share with you an updated batch of renders.

Some of the guys are new, some of them are even pre-supported already!

Stay tuned,
Hope you enjoy this month release,
Alexei and Bestiarum Team




woah. I'm in.

Leath Ar Nak

You guys are knocking it out of the park yet again

Miikka Lehtonen

Oh man. I absolutely LOVE those low tech undead Victorian space soldiers :O


Oh wow, that centerpiece model is amazing. Your work has been so phenomenal, it's what got me into 3d printing in the first place. Fantastic work, as always.

Timothy E Broekhuizen

I’m not sure how I’ll use these, but gordammit if I’m not going to print and paint them anyway. This latest reveal is killer!!


Amazing work, awesome, mind-blowingly good. You rule, thank you.

Joseph Sala

It is easy to give positive feedback when you guys (and gals) produce such beautiful work. Each of your pieces has inspired me to incorporate your unique visions into my own creative landscape. I don't know that any have fit my preconceived "model" or "archetype"... but that is why I return and support and print your work! It is art. And really fun to put down on a table to scare the $#!@ out of my players...

tyler dockery

Holy crap that looks awesome. My mind was thinking "OK,not my flavor this month, but then you rocked that main piece, and the hits kept coming. Amazed. In 3 minutes went from "not me" to "how can I integrate this...." Big turnaround for me


I see so much papa nurgle stuff , love it .

Shawn Hakl

Looks amazing ... this team consistently produces great sculpts every month. One of the highest value patreon creators out there.


This is probably my favorite set so far!

Gavin Butstraen

I stand in awe of that alchemical demiurg & his minions :-o

Joseph Dolan

Oh my goodness. I had wondered what bestiarum scifi might look like. these are INSANE GOOD!!!!


Amazing! Looks like Path of Exile inspired :D


Exceptional. That big bad guy is brilliant. Really love the guns but pleaaaase do some guns for your multi-part kits. The length of the weapons mean that it should be fairly easy to have an open hand to support them, no matter the width of the chest. Either way - amazing, guns please.

Cj Eldridge

YES YES YES. Make an entire line please!! best work to date.

Iris Baur

INCREDIBLE! Love everything about it! <3


very nice. great designs and the portal effect looks amazing..

Sean Taylor

These models are awesome. Granted, I can't use anything with guns, but I still *fully* feel like I'm getting my money's worth out of everything else

Kar Lox

omg, it looks stuning!


Oh man. Some of my favorite scenery pieces yet in this one!

Ramiro Carrasco Jr.

They look fantastic. Is it possible to replace the guns/rifles with crossbows or swords? I can't use firearms in any of our fantasy games, ie. D&D ect.

Marcus Harland

Absolutely stunning work as usual, the infernal machinery is absolutely horrific!!

Gunter Schmidt

So not-Nurgle cultists *and* a C'tan/Tech Priest Dominus and Servitor Ogryns *faints* If you mix the buff barbarians from "Skulls & Bones" and "The Cult of Flesh" with this more tech-y aesthetic I'd jump with joy. The mangy dudes with tentacles and boils started to blur together a bit and this a bit of a fresh breath of air. Or oily smoke belched from a low-tech flamethrower...cue evil laugh.


this is really twisted ! i love it :))))


I love this. First Set in a few months that I'm like "i gotta print this ASAP".

Chris Laliberte

This is my favourite set yet. Incredible work.


In absolute awe at this set. Can't wait to print these!


Wow, these rule!


I really love your style. Keep up the good work. I'll print some of these minis ASAP




Wow, cool to see the drawings manifest as models. Would really love 2 more riflemen, or modular torso w/arms on the riflemen, which could result in 9 possible figures. That would make them an 'army'.


While I would prefer a less modern approach to the models, I cannot argue the level of artistry in the pieces you produce. The creative energy that is displayed here is beyond compare! My initial disappointment from the fist teaser is shadowed by the direction you took the concepts. Hats off to everyone on your team for keeping this crazy train fueled at full throttle and giving us fresh, unique, models to torture on the game table 🤘


Absolutely LOVE that first dude-diorama- thing!!

Steve Howland

I really love these models, awesome take on dark sci-fi and fantasy. I will be using them as chaos worshipers!


This is so cool. Please do more of thos slightly grimdark SciFi/Fantasy Hybrids in the future its fitting your Style well!


This is FANTASTIC! Not what I was expecting, but I love it! Please do more!!


These look AMAZING


Superbe j’adore 😍👍


WOOOW MASSIVE THANKS!! Omg my friends i am extremely happy this preview was able to generate so much feedback!!!! it is so extremely awesome and important for all our team!! All your comments are so inspiring so i have decided to do my best and expand the release by incorporating some of your requests!! 1. We'll have all gunners with one more version! They will have crossbows instead of guns so you guys can incorporate them easier in your games! 2. We'll have a bust of the God machine this month as well! 3. Kitbash set will be available for you so more variations of the shooters and warriors can be created! It will delay the release date unfortunately but hell we are here to have fun and enjoy the process! :) Thank you again from my side and from all Bestiarum team members!! Cheers, Alexei


Having a kitbash variant of guns/crossbows is brilliant 👏👏👏


Only means I have more time to paint what I already printed lol


One of the best models I have seen in over 20 years in the wargaming hobby. You outclassed companies like FW and GW with that.


These are perfect for my Ptolus 5e Night of Dissolution campaign. Chaositech and firearms, hell yeah!

Nick Antonio

I am so excited to use this on my D&D table. Our pc warforged artificer is gonna flip.


THESE ARE AWESOME! Will there be a version of the portal that isn't activated?

Markus Takanen

Hi suuuuuuper excited about these and would love to have them printed for the june competition.


Sorry mate, when it is activated once it couldn't be deactivated ever :D We are releasing this month's set very soon and don't have enough time to make an additional option)

Alex Forbes

I'm loving this theme and would love to see more!