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Hi Friends!
We want to share with you previews of the upcoming April release.


This April we will descent into the Catacombs under the Crimson Grove Abbey.

We'll find out the reason of the corruption of the whole region.

We'll discover the root of the problem and we'll meet with Those who are hiding in the dark of underground caves.


We'd like to tell you briefly how we create our miniatures :)

Concept part:

▪ Each character starts from the overall idea of the location and story behind each release;

▪ Together with our team we brainstorm to get the mood of the release;

▪ Then we with our concept artist develop sketches of the potential characters and creatures that can appear.
   After a week or so we pick some of the sketches that go to refining stage so our team of sculptors can have a clear idea what to sculpt.
   Other characters will be concepted on the fly.


▪ Firstly model is sketched in a static position, then we try different poses to see if the design works right;

▪ The final result is visible only after the sculpt is ready.
  In the process concept may change pretty strong in dependency of the pose and other factors;

▪ After sculpt is done, models need to be prepared for printing: we cut them into parts that could fit any printer easily, and clean up digital models for the smooth printing without artifacts;

▪ Last step in production is preparing supports and making multiple test prints till we are happy with the quality of the final result.


▪ Minis are printed, primed and photographed with much love;

▪ Before showing our artwork, we make digital renders, post-process them in Photoshop and compose images in presentation;

▪ To present a video of the release first we render turntables of the minis, make new presentations and covers specific for video, then assemble all content together;

▪ Recently we have started our YouTube channel to share our videos presentations of the new releases, timelapses of the sculpting process and few other types of video content we plan to add in future.

Sooo, it's a pretty short description of the creation process, during which appear changes, issues, questions, that we solve on the go :)

► Our next main goal is to release each month bundles SO EARLY AS POSSIBLE, we work hard on it and we are getting closer and closer to the first day of the month ;)

Thanks for your support!
Grab your best weapons!
Alexei and Bestiarum Team




Oh hellll yeah

Rene Bird

Holy shit!!’ 😲😲😲😲😲

Some Sketchy Guy

Really like the looks of all the tick looking dude in the left concept art




Yes! This is the kind of content I signed up for, keep bringing the dark fantasy to life with your amazing skills.

Valentin Drouet

Such pretty cool concepts !! And minis ! The concepts are also helpful for the painting !! Love all that work :)


Keeps getting better and better.


Oh man, these are amazing. I'm getting some Ludwig the Accursed vibes from the left model in the first image with how his face seems to meld beast and man, I love it. Can't wait to see what else is in store!




Really excellent, I love the animals.

tyler dockery

I really like how most of your realeases seem to have a larger demon counterpart and then humans corrupted. It is as though they discover the demon, gain powers while seeming relatively sedate, but then as time goes on and the power begins to corrupt we can see how what was once human becomes something monstrous. Its GrimDark fantasy instead of high fantasy. Mankind's lust for power causing problems rather than "monsters". That's why I keep coming back. Oh, and the sculpts are always fantastic of course!


Just in time for my game!! Ill print this on day one 😃


That's why you'll get my money every month Alexei

Tracy Pierce

This looks awesome!!

Christofer K.

Can't wait to be able to play in person again to set up a while campaign with all these... "beauties" (?) of the last months. Quick question: Will we get one (or more? ;) ) of the head crab/brain slug things on their own without a host?

David Mellors

I really like the aesthetic of the miniatures. Is there any chance of you sculpting a tabaxi one day? I'd love a tabaxi swordsman in the style of your other hero miniatures.