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Hello friends,

I have finished concept for the second character and its transformation!

This is Executor. Armless swordsman.

His left arm is cursed by some kind of dark magic so he tights it up with chains to the back. When the hour of need comes and blood thirst becomes too strong the true face is revealed. This dark magic transforms not only body but the weapon as well in a harvester of lives )

Those are kind of thought i had in mind concepting him )

Swordsman will come with both arms option as well. So you have more variety on using him in a different scenario.

Important: This guy will be the last model announced for this month. 

I want to fix the release date to make sure you get the printable sculpts at the beginning of the month.

In total in May we will have 7 highly detailed models. With optional weapon sets. 2 hunters with transformed stance and 3 Blood suckers. 

Hope you like this idea with transformations cause i like it a lot :) it gives for me another layer of interest to each character. Plus we get 2 models what can be used independently

I would like to come back to it again for other characters, maybe to work on some classical character builds like paladin- what transforms in the warrior of heaven, druid - in bear or werewolf etc. There are plenty of variations here :)

Please let me know your thoughts on this topic, but ill move to polishing the sculpts!







Heck ya.. that is awesome! Anything you make is gold in my opinion. keep them coming😁👍

D. Weaver

Awesome, I personally really like the transformation idea, and I think these models are nailing it. Very awesome!

Brent Mayhew

Another awesome design! Going on with the transformation idea maybe something like a mad surgeon transforming into some sort of agile blood deamon? I imagine you could make a pretty sadistic looking Victorian surgron or something alone those lines. Keep up the good work.

Obscurities in Miniature

A one armed swordsmen, eh? I dig it. One of my favorite movies was about a one armed swordsman- Tsui Hark's "The Blade." Saw that at a midnight screening years and years ago and it left a big impression on me. A bit bummed no big transforming boss monster to fight but there's always next month! I love the transformation idea, but then again Altered Beast was one of my favorite games growing up too...

Nathan Bursac

You could have a wizard transforming into a Lich.


Freaking awesome designs man!🙌

Derrick Hunt

Amazing, love the concept.


Totally awesome, soooo going into my warband


Thank you all for such great feedback and your ideas! I love them all and think with time will be able to sculpt each of them! So the idea with transformations stays and next month release will have some new guys )


What happened to the villain which was originally announced as what to expect?


He lost his mask transforming :'( Also his legs are maybe too much on the normal version? It caught my attention. Instead of a normal dagger, I would put in his left hand something throwable or a crossbow/gun. The pose looks like he is preparing for melee while grabbing in secret his dirty weapon to shoot by surprise. Loving the theme and the characters (I'm personally a bit fed up of giant monsters everywhere, I want characters haha)

Andrew Powers

I am blown away by these sculpts, the gritty vibe reminds me of reading old fantasy comics when I was a kid. Excited to put them to use and of course continue to see what you make in the future.


Thank you Andrew! I really like expressive and juicy forms what artists were using in that period :) i try to implement them in my sculpts.


Thank you Khali! Glad you like the guy. Very interesting idea with a range weapon! I'll think if i can implement it on some other character, i have finished dagger already for this guy. I definetely will try to develope more characters. To have at least one or two in each release!


Hi Gravehowl, i have decided to move this character to next month release. I want to ballance release dates of the models, so you get sculpts in the beginning of the month not in the end :)


when are your models released? I ask because I missed some releases from last month. as far as i can tell you haven't released anything yet for this month?


Hi Ryan, i plan release to happen next week, still working on the models. All the models will be released in one batch so wont miss them :) ill make also announcement on the page

Masterwork Miniatures

VERY excited for the bloodsuckers, Any idea when May's models will be downloadable?