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First of all i would like to thank all of you who joined me! I really appreciate this!

I have already started to work on next model for April release! It will be an epic boss character for about 14-15cm in 32mm scale. 

I have in mind to create a huge Jailer what's belly is made in form of a cage full of tortured people! Model will be surrounded with some hanged bodies and other ruined environment.

Concepts is on really early stage so many things can change :) But you can get a general idea what to expect )

I want to make those environment elements separate so you can use them for your other compositions as well.   

Also i have in mind to buy for myself another printer - Elegoo Mars probably so i can run test prints on one of the most common resin printers. Mine is Photocentric HR2 and its parameters differ.

Please share your ideas and opinions friends it will be really helpful!






Can't wait! :)


I love that you sketch directly in 3d without a 2d step. I'm using an Anycubic Photon, that and the Elagoo seem to be the go-to resin printers at the moment. I'm getting good vibes with the jailor so far :)


Nice ! Glad you like it guys! There will be tweaks, i am not happy with the design yet ;) all in process. I change the design till the last stroke on the model usually. Never know when great idea will pop up


Did another research on 3d printers today and found this fella: https://www.phrozen3dp.com/cart . It has some incredible reviews! Thinking to buy this one


yeah i am not the best 2D artists :) Love concepting directly in 3D cause i can feel the weight of the character from all angles this way