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Hey Gang!

We’re coming today with the second June preview, folks have been clamoring for this one since we shared the Warclans last week - and it’s here!

Before we dive in, we wanted to give one last shout out for the Kickstarter, before the campaign closes at Midnight on Friday - thanks to everyone’s amazing support, we’ve smashed our stretch goal milestones and unlocked a pile of new models for the Cult - 

STLs for all these models are included with all digital tiers, so you can grab these, plus the new Heroes, for as little as $10!

Visit the Campaign before it’s over!

Now, lets get stuck in with these Unseelie creeps - 

The Ageless Fae

Ancient and luminal beings, the Fae have dwelled in the Hidden places of Doaden for time immemorial. Both Predators and protectors of the folk who dwell in the liminal spaces between civilisation and nature, they are inscrutable entities, and not to be trifled with…



Weird right? We're extremely excited about the Princeling Aeternal - he's a precious boy who deserves a prideful place in any collection!

Now, who's excited for those render reveals?


Bestiarum Crew



Jeff Pelletier

Gnarly-toenailed redcaps!! I cannot wait.