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This May we’ve got some twisted wonders for you – The return of the mind bending void horrors from Echoes of the Seraphim, plus the arrival of a brand new faction – the Alchemic Order, and three rugged heroes straight from the Wilds.

Echoes of the Seraphim Part 2

Returning after winning the popular vote, we’re excited to share the Seraphic Cult, zealous worshippers of the void-borne entities which descended upon Doaden in the wake of the Cataclysm. Joining them is Tipheret, a god like being who stands upon the Seraphic Pantheon alongside Yesod and its stranger siblings…


The Alchemic Order

Arriving from strange and distant lands comes the High Alchemist Artephida’s wyrd caravan of wonders. Though Traders first, these strange folk are more than mere helpless peddlers. Indeed, most bandits know to steer clear of the Alchemic Order’s caravans, lest they find their end as a frothing caustic stain upon the blasted earth.

At the core of the set is the Haemonculid Caravan, who can fit two 25mm miniatures on his back, ready to sling alchemic destruction upon their foes! PLUS a whole set of Alchemic Doodads and scatter pieces!

Penitent Heroes – Wilderfolk

Far from the confines of civilisation, the Wilderfolk carve out a brutal existence in solitude. Standing alone, each is a beacon of self-sufficiency and strength, though such extended isolation has driven them more than a little mad…

5E Stats & Lore Books

Our All-In Tier Subscribers will receive the Faction Booklets for the Alchemic Order & Echoes of the Seraphim Part 2, containing more details on the collections, plus 5E Statblocks. These books will open up some of the long-held secrets of Doaden – what lies beyond the borders of the Azerai Empire? What is the nature of those strange and awesome Serphim?

Don’t forget, in addition to these books, you’ll also receive the whole RPG Adventure Archive – Over 30 Adventures for 5E and Forbidden Psalm, alongside the Path of Penitence Campaign System!

Subscription Benefits

In addition to all this, our subscribers receive a bunch more awesome stuff:

Thanks so much for your continued support, this wonderful community is what allows us to continue our path down this dark and strange road of evils & wonder!


Bestiarum Team





Blondel Richard

I really love them all! Your Penitent Heroes are more and more weird haha^^


The High Alchemist is delightfully floaty though and I'm all here for that vibe.

Daniel GM

Tipheret is so beautiful and the alchemist equipment is just what I have needed for a long time, thank you!


Was looking for a figurine for the Elder God like boss of my campaign and damn Tipheret is everything i didn't know i wanted, great job and thank you !

marc cook

Such a fantastic month, would absolutely kill for some Alchemic Order themed Penitent Heroes at some point!

Metal King Studio

I LOVE the Alchemic Order. Great work guys.