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Hey folks!

In case you missed it, the Tormentor Cults Kickstarter Campaign has been launched, and we’re extremely proud to say that we’ve already smashed through our funding goal!


For those that have been hiding under a rock, here’s the headline news – New Minis, New RPG Supplements, and savings on previous collections!

And, if you pledge in the first 48 hours, those deals get even better, check out the Kickstarter page for the full breakdown of what’s on offer.

For those of you who’ve already backed, from the bottom of our dark hearts, we thank you! Getting our first campaign launched has been a mammoth task, more than we were even expecting – but seeing that first pledge land made all the late nights worth it – Thank you all!


We’ll have some regular programming again for you soon – in case you missed the discord peeks, here’s the logo reveal for May’s second collection!



Bestiarum Team



corentin Bajard

What's the legacy collection which we can have access if we're backing the campaign with the STL utimate ?


The offer is ANY legacy collection of your choice, so you can check out our Collection Catalogue on MMF and choose :)

Shawn Hakl

Bestiarum continues to deliver the best content on Patreon every month. The releases are consistently awesome and innovative