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I think it's time for you to know with who I was working with, when I made the album art for him in September. He's Drone Unit, an artist I have worked with in the past too. He recently uploaded a teaser for his album, which you can listen in the video above. Show him some love, he's doing astounding work in his album! However I have heard of him that his album will be released early next year, as he was busy creating his metal plugin.





Noisy Drone - Metal X Examples

Metal X was designed to sound very realistic in performance, while still giving you the full control over your tone. We sampled an LTD M-17 7 string guitar tuned as low as it could go for ultra heavy performances! Carefully designed and tested for over 3 years, finally this plugin is ready for any performance. Get it FREE here: https://www.noisydrone.com/index.php/product/metal-x-free/


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