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After getting feedback from several patrons, I have decided that in the interest of a more reliable schedule and higher quality I will update with a new chapter weekly.

One new chapter will be posted each Tuesday.

When I have an additional chapter ready beyond the upcoming Tuesday, I will post that on Saturday for Platinum patrons until Platinum tier reaches the promised eventual 8 advance chapters. After that, I'll build a backlog again, and hopefully improve my writing pace enough to increase the update frequency for everyone.


Christian Kenney

Thanks for the consistency! Even if it’s a whole week between chapters I like knowing when the next one comes 💙


Weekly chapter is fine. Nobody wants you to be burned out. Slow and steady is welcomed.


You may want to pin this so it doesn't get buried by your chapters.

Marconi H Gonçalves

I prefer a chapter posting schedule to having none. After all, being a writer is also an exercise in constancy, respect for deadlines (one of the requirements if one day you become a professional writer) and patience to sit down and write while it's a wonderful and inviting sunny day outside!

Dan Jones

Quality over Quantity please (:


Consistency is great! I'm really enjoying the story so far!

Yuriy Havrylyuk

Hey, take your time fam. Especially through all you have gone through in last couple of months. Please safe yourself from burnout. And trust me. I think anybody here will understand if you decide to skip a chapter or two for the sake of RELAXATION ;) (I think sometimes writers have to take advice from their own characters)


"we don't know why, but no one has ever gotten past 22 compressions" "oh, that's easy, we'll just implement a long datatype"

David Murphy

Query: "Gold You get to read 5 advance chapters" is this *intended* to count 2 chapters and 3 short non-chapter posts about scheduling as 5 chapters?


Same question as David Murphey has, I'm on Silver (2 Chapters Ahead of RR) and I only have this post and one chapter ahead, so Patreon seems to think this is a chapter or smth?

Guilherme Paiva

I don't think so, he just hasn't posted in so long I think you might be caught up to the story, last post was on August 6 even for plat members