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I've had a bad cold for the last several days and was too exhausted to write anything, but I'm finally recovering today, and writing is going quickly now. My goal is to finish and post B2 chapter 6 today or tomorrow, and an extra chapter for Platinum on this Saturday, May 11.



My joke comment on the previous chapter aside, I'm definitely more interested in you feeling better than seeing more chapters from you. Sounds like you're full of energy, and I won't begrudge you work you like to do and I like to read.. but don't push yourself on our account. I think it's pretty clear we're all just fine with you taking whatever time you need to recover. I know ADHD all too well, and if you feel like getting work done on something you love tho, then have at it! There's little that will make me feel more right than getting back into the swing of things with something I truly enjoy, and I imagine it's not too far off for you so.. I'll just be waiting for content like a happy little consumer!

Scott Snyder

Your over communication is appreciated! I hope you are feeling better and please get plenty of rest!