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Now that's the Mansion Dungeon is basically finished, there are 2 possible things for me to work on:

1) Start working on an alternate root when the player doesn't put up with Meniphei's insults at the end of the prologue and decides to confront her(ignoring Ane's attempt to avoid the conflict). This will lead to a completely different root featuring the player and Meniphei venturing on a quest together(instead of Elven Manor with Ane/Klead).

2) Proceed to work on the continuation of the story which will lead to the meating with Mother and the ensuing trial that involves venturing out on a quest to the far-away places. Both Ane/Klead and Meniphei's roots will merge into this quest to move the story forward.


Vine trapper

hello, I was wondering if anyone has found the way out of the void or if it hasn't been made yet?