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So let me say: it's good to be back. I really needed the break from animating since not only did I get a plethora of ideas, but I also managed to finish 3 animations when I came back. Let me talk about them.

This Week's Finished Projects

Before I went on break, I got all the lines for my upcoming Re:Zero parody, and the next Mario animation. I also decided to animate another Overwatch comic dub that one of my friends SeigiVA did involving Genji and Hanzo. I worked on all three of these projects last Saturday.

The Re:Zero video will be titled “Ram Tries To Comfort Rem” and focuses on what happens to Rem and Ram after Saburu basically shuts down Rem. I even got the original voice actors who worked on Gigguk's “Re:Zero in 5 Minutes” video. I don't really have a lot to comment on the project since it was a fairly straightforward one. I will say that I added some text in the video that you have to pause the video at an exact time to see. With that said, this parody will come out March 17th, a week after the Osomatsu-San video. Here are a few screenshots.

The Overwatch video is based on SeigiVA's “Genji Is Still Salty”. Like the Rem video, I really don't have a lot to comment on. I managed to finish it fairly quickly compared to the other videos since I just needed to lip sync Hanzo's dialog. However, I still needed to provide some movement to Genji since I don't want him to be completely static in the video. But...I did have fun animating one scene; so much so that I made of a gif based on it. The video will come out March 24th and here are some screenshots.

My next Mario animation was inspired by “A Heavy Choice”. After I finished the “A Heavy Choice” video, I found out that Nintendo DMCAed another fan project. So I decided that I will be making more of “Mario is a deranged lunatic” videos to make fun of Nintendo's obvious disdain for fan games. Hell, even the original voice actor for Mario in the Heavy video was so excited to lend his voice for the project, that he also voiced Luigi and Bowser in the video. I don't want to say too much as I will give away some spoilers, but the video is pretty dark. Not on the same levels as my “Sonic Friendzone's Amy” video, but still pretty damn dark. Though I originally scheduled the video to come out March 31st, I might set it to come out sometime in April since I want to release a Ghost in the Shell parody on that date. Here are the final screenshots.

This Week's Ongoing Projects

Not a lot to talk about for ongoing projects. I finally finished the script for the Ni No Kuni review and even finished recording my lines for the video. I plan to start animating the skits for the video by the time this post goes out. My goal is to have the video out by Jan 28th, but if I still have to wait for a few more lines from some of the voice actors, I may have to push it back by a week. Also, I had to get extra equipment to record PS3 gameplay since my capture equipment can only record PS3 gameplay through an HDMI connection. I don't why either, but that's what was listed on the site when I was troubleshooting the issue.  Either way, I'm going to do my hardest to get it out by Jan 28th and will focus all of my attention on it.

I'm one line away from finally working on the Venom Snake video. I had some difficulty with the project since I had to find a good voice actor to impersonate Revolver Ocelot. Turns out my friend Gianni, who voiced the clown in my “A Weeaboo 2016” video did the job nicely.  The one line is literally a giveaway line that I can see if any of my friends can work on. 

I finished the scripts for three videos. The first video is a Naruto parody in which Naruto and Sakura appear on a Jerry Springer-like show to confront Sakura's failing marriage with Sasuke. The second video is a fake ad for Honnoji Academy, which I came up with when my friend Afried finally released that Ragyo model on SFM. The final script I finished was for another Hyperdimension Neptunia video involving Yellow Heart (let's just say Chris Hansen is involved). Though I don't plan on animating the videos 'til after I finish the Ni No Kuni review, I do plan on gathering the voice actors for the video next week. 

This Week's New Idea

The only new idea I came up with is a possible Warhammer 40K animation. Turns out that a lot of my subscribers/fans are into Warhammer, and I think it would be a good animation for them. Since the last time I played the a Warhammer game was Dawn of War, I need to do more research about the lore and possibly play one of the games. Problem is that my friends told me that most of the Warhammer games are average at best (aside from the Space Marines game that came out six years ago). Either way, I'm not working on the video 'til I understand the lore of the game series better.

And that's basically it! Good to be back, and once again, hope you have a wonderful day and night! See ya


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