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Though the MRW: 2016 video basically...painted  2016 in a negative light and the year was somewhat bad for me, it had an overwhemling good moments for me. My Youtube channel grew by 822%, I've been able to get famous Youtubers to voice my animations/reviews, and the quality of my videos have drastically improved. Because fo this, I want to take this time to thank everyone that made my life a bit better this year.

First off, my Patrons. I just want to thank you guys for your support for the four months I've been on  Patreon. Honestly, without your support, animating and doing these projects would have been a lot tougher to do due to my financial responsiblities. I'll continue to do my best and will not let you down.

Also, I want to thank all of my voice acting friends for helping me with these projects. I was honestly surprised by how much these people were able to provide some amazing voicing acting for these projects. I want my Youtube channel to be recognized as a Robot Chicken or Saturday Night Live for the anime and video game community, and the talent you bring is definitely helping me reach this goal.

I'm going to end this post by saying this: I'm not a perfect person. I get annoyed at times. I can get hypersensitive about certain topics, and I can get overwhelmingly negative about life and people.  Sure, I'm getting more and more flak from trolls, and just overall mean-spirited people, but I'm honestly grateful and happy with how much people enjoy my videos and posters. Whether you just like the Neptunia content, Overwatch content, or all of my content, it truly means alot for me. 

Once again, thank you guys for reading. Even if you may think it's bad, I hope you have wonderful day and night! Happy New Year's!



You're an awesome dude Dai and I understand your struggle. And I'm glad you and I became friends. I wish you a happy new year man!