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So unfortunately, I couldn't finish any projects this week. I had a final and a presentation to finish, so my time was very divided. However, I anticipate that I will complete two of the mentioned ongoing projects in today's post.

This Week's Ongoing Projects

I'm going to talk about the “Plutia's Secret” video. I finally...FINALLY, finished the main house scenes for the video. This took a ridiculous amount of time due to it being a very dialog heavy scene. Not to mention, lip syncing the Neptunia models is a very tedious process. Not because lip syncing them is hard, but because I had to use the motion editor for them. After I finished the main house scene, I finished animating the car ride scene, and the final scene. The only thing left for the project is animating Compa's and Perverted Jimmy's scene. However, their scene shouldn't take too long since it's at most a 15 second scene. Either way, I anticipate I will finish the animation by next week. Here are a few screenshots from the video.

I got some bad news. Due to myself preparing for my exam and presentation, this week's review is going to be delayed to next week. I apologize, but life happens. However, I will say that I only have three scenes to animate for the review. They're long scenes, but I only have three of the them left. I will say that Chi Chi did a good job voicing Neptune. In fact, it sounds similar to SingingSamine's voice. I'll most likely have her voice Neptune in future videos. Anyway, I will have the review out by next Saturday. With that said, here are a few screenshots from the video and a funny gif I took from the review.

To make up for missing this week, I decided that I will work on a “It Came From Tumblr” video. I already picked out four Tumblr posts and asked several of my voice actor friends to lend some help for the project. I plan on working on the Tumblr video immediately after I finish the Plutia and Advent Dark Force videos. I can probably work on the Tumblr video in parallel with the review since I only need to animate at most 13 seconds for each post.

Also, I will be entering another collab that Hoovytube is hosting. Basically, Heavy from TF2 is in the Mafia and needs to assassinate several targets. For my collab entry, I'm going to have Heavy assassinate a developer for a Mario fan-game per Mario's instructions. Hopefully I will have the video done before the collab's deadline.

As for the Kira video, I asked my friend GaoGaiKingVA to lend his voice for one of the roles in the video. That just leaves one more minor role for the video. I'm probably going to think on it, but I believe I should have all the voice lines for that project by next week if not the week after. The other dilemma is deciding whether or not I should upload the video immediately, a few months out, or put it in the fourth Bad Jojokes collab. I'm not sure if I'm going to work on it after the Tumblr video, but it is a strong possibility. 

For the Sombra video, I asked my friend Deadjosey to voice Sombra and Naomified to voice DVA. I'll probably ask SeigiVA if he could voice Soldier 76, but I'm going to wait a little bit to ask him. Besides, I don't really need to work on another Overwatch video for a while since the next one will come out in February and I want to schedule this one for April.

The final ongoing project I started work on is the script for a Danganronpa parody and “Raiden Visit's Old Snake In A Retirement Home.” I have an overall structure for the Raiden video, but the Danganronpa script is going to be tough. If you played any of the games or watched the anime, then you know that there are certain “segments” during a class trial. The problem I'm having is integrating these segments into the video. Not only that, but I have to make sure it doesn't run over 2 minutes since animating anything longer will take too much time for me. Either way, I can safely say that I will most likely finish the Raiden video's script very soon. 

This Week's New Ideas

One of the most disappointing things I heard this week, is that there are a group of people who believe the Earth is...flat. I have no idea if these are trolls, or they're just that moronic. Either way, I wanted to satirized these people by having Lelouch being a strong believer of this movement. Right now I just got the basic premise, but I still need to figure out the jokes and the ending pun for the video.

New Things Coming In 2017

I thought that before I end today's post, I should talk about several new things I will be releasing in the beginning of 2017. First off, I will be launching a website. During this whole “Youtube is going downhill” situation, I realized that I going to need something to direct my fans to whatever video site I decide to use if Youtube falls. Also, I want the site to let people know when I'm livestreaming rather than me clumsily mention it near the end of a livestream. I got the overall structure of the site done and planning on working on several articles before I launch it January 2nd.

Against my better judgment, I changed my stance on the Discord thing. I will be launching another Discord server for fans to interact. However, I want to emphasize that I will not be on “24/7.” Though I do plan on appearing on the Discord server whenever I get the chance, I do a lot of work and do have other responsibilities to take care of. Also, I plan on banning members that seem to cause trouble for others, since I want to avoid drama in the server.  

Anyway, that's all I got for you guys today. Sorry if you expected the review to be out tomorrow, but I will do my best to get it out by next Saturday. With that said, thank you guys for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day or night! See ya!


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