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This Week's Finished Projects

Originally, I wanted to finish the Plutia's Secret video, but I decided to focus on “A Weeaboo Christmas 2016” video instead. This was because I realized that the work that involved finishing the project was not as intense as the work to finish the Plutia animation. 

I did learn one thing from working on this project. In the past, sometimes the TF2 model – whether it was Scout, Heavy, etc. - their clothes would poke through the cosmetics. I did my best to fix them in the past, but they still clipped through. However, Krunkidle gave some good advice on how to make sure nothing on the model clips through the TF2 clothing. Apparently, it's possible to shrink certain body parts without messing up the model. I plan on using this technique in future animations. Now for the release date.

 Originally, I wanted to release the video the Friday before Christmas, but Krunkidle wants everyone to post their entries after the collab's release. So I will release the video a few hours after the collab's video goes live. With that said, here are a few screen shots from the video.

Another short project I finished was MRW: Code Geass Season 3 announcement. Believe or not guys, my second favorite anime of all time is Code Geass. Despite the fact I have my reservations about the sequel, I'm still excited for it nevertheless. To celebrate its announcement, I made a short MRW video about it. Basically, I lip synced CC and Lelouch to the first few seconds of “Lucas Comes Home.” If you missed the video, then you can watch it here.  

This Week's Ongoing Projects

Due to my focus on finishing the Christmas special, I only worked on three scenes for the Plutia video. Most of the scenes are focused on Plutia's sudden addiction to Doritos because of her being a pothead. I don't think I'll be able to finish the video next week since I will be shifting focus on animating scenes for the  Fairy Fencer review. Here are a few screen shots from the video.

 Speaking of which... I finished the script for the Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force review. A couple things to note about the review. First, Chi Chi will be voicing Neptune in the video since SingingSamine is in school right now and is almost impossible to reach. Finally, I wanted the review to have Bengineer speaking, but due to the fact I need to get this review out by next week and lip syncing can be time consuming, I will have to make him silent during the review. My goal is after the Ni No Kuni review is to put reviews on a 1 month hiatus so that way I can have at least 2 months worth of reviews. It's getting very stressful for me putting up a video that doesn't have a backlog behind it. For now, I'm just going to do the best I can. As long as I can stick to the plan, I believe I will have the review out by next Saturday if not the week after.

I also wrote the script for my next Overwatch video involving Sombra and DVA. The basic premise is Sombra reveals to DVA that she hacked several of her social media accounts. Another interesting thing about this project is that it's the first project in which I wrote the script using the screen writing guidelines. It's still a bit complicated for me to fully understand at the moment, but this format makes my scripts feel more professional and will also help me plan out my animations a more efficiently.

This Week's New Ideas

I've been brainstorming another HDN parody idea as well as another anime parody video. For the HDN video, I want it to focus more on the CPU Candidates being on a picnic and revealing their lives living with their sisters. For the video, I want Rom to not only sass Ram around but also give the ending line for the video. I think if I can find the perfect voice actor for Rom, then her lines are going to be amazing.

Another idea I've been thinking about is a possible Danganroppa parody. I've been seeing a lot of their models popping up on the SFM workshop, so I figured I could use them in an upcoming parody. I'm also going to see if I could get Fureloo to voice Monokuma since one of my voice actor friends know him. There are no guarantees I will get him, but it never hurts to ask.

Finally, I've decided that I will animate one of my favorite anime eds from this year: Ostumasu-San Ed 1. This project will require alot of After Effects work, but I think I can pull it off. I don't know when I will work on the project, but you can expect me to work on it soon. 

And that's about it! If you guys have any feedback for me regarding this progress post, then let me know in the comments down below. Thank you guys for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day or night! See ya!