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So for the past several weeks, I've been thinking about better ways to offer more value TO ALL PATRONS. It's going to take a few more weeks to plan out the changes and update the Patreon video, but here are some of the upgrades I'm thinking.

1) Posters For $5+ Tiers: To add more value to all $5+ tiers, I'm thinking about allowing all tiers at or above $5 to be able to request posters from me. However, I'm tailoring it so it will be huge for people at $5 tiers and even bigger for $10+ (e.g. the ability to request two posters or more).

2)Be Able To See Content I Work On Immediately For $50 Tier+: I realized that people at the $50 tiers sometimes don't have animations to request from me every month. To add more value to this tier, I'm thinking about allowing people on this tier to be able to see the videos I work on immediatly, along with a few more goodies. No waiting 2-3 months down the line for my videos. You guys are putting out so much money for this tier, and it should be worth every single penny.

3) No Discord Server: I know this isn't an upgrade, but it's something I need to talk about. After weeks of thinking, I decided I'm against adding Patreon specific  Discord server. The main reason why is because there's a strong possiblity of creating group drama. In the past 10 months, there were several instances in which I had to deal with drama on a Discord server. Several instances came from my Steam group, and another Discord group which I won't talk about. I don't want to cause complications with the people that support me, so it won't be included in the Patreon.

4) Access To My Trello: As you guys know, I like to plan things out ahead of time. So I use this program called Trello to do so. Though I'm not sure if I should allow this to all tiers or just certain teirs, but I was thinking about allowing Patreons to see what I'm currently brainstorming, what animations are in the process getting the script done, etc. 

5) Access To DMX Files : I know a couple of you guys are also Source Filmmaker artists and animators. I know learning SFM can be challenging so I'm  thinking about allowing certain Patrons to be able to download the DMX files I used to create certain animations. Though these DMX files will only be available after the video or poster gets released since this might create problems for me down the line. I might even think about offering some SFM tips posts down the line. 

6) Removal of $15 and $25 Dollar Tiers: Not going to lie, I think these tiers are awful. I'm planning getting rid of them and migrating some of the rewards to the $5-$10 tiers. Going to see which ones I'm going to scrap and which ones I'm going to migrate. 

7) You Guys Suggestions!: For the next two weeks, I will be taking you guys suggestions on where I can improve for this Patreon. I don't know if I can implement every single one of you guys suggestions, but I'll certainly think about it and see if I can. You guys are sacraficing so much to support me and your voice deserves to be listened.

With that said, thank you guys for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day or night! See ya!



Posters for $5 tier eh? That's cool my dude.


How are you still alive - I don't think I could ever keep up with the amount of work you put it, hahaha


It's a long story, but due to shit that happened in college, I had to develop self-discipline. When I focus on a goal(s), I rarely give up.