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So I think I freaked out a few people with my tweets, so I'll probably have to give some explanation as to what caused me try rage like that. Originally I was going to save some parts of my past in the channel origins video, but I felt like I exploded today and owe an explanation. For sake of not causing drama, I will not name any of the youtubers in this post. I'm just venting, not trying to cause drama.

I...don't really do well in group settings. I always feel like people hate me right from the ground up. Whether it's my voice, my height, my race, I genuinely feel like people hated my existence because of one of those three things. Maybe it stems from being picked on when I was a child, or the amount of loneliness I felt in during and after college, but this is something I struggle to cope with and the situations that happened to me in the past few weeks kinda pushed that feeling further.

For example, in my Halloween special, I asked two Youtubers to voice the clown and the victim in my parody. Both of them said, sure they'll do it. That was two months ago and never heard anything back from them. I was so disgusted by their unprofessional ism that I won't be asking them to voice any of my stuff ever again. Maybe it's because they didn't want to voice a “cancerous” video, but the least they could of done is say no rather than blue balling me like that.

Then when I reached out to one Youtuber to play a few games with me, he constantly ignored my Steam messages. It was too the point I felt like he thought I was just cancer because of my content though he voiced several of my stuff in the past. One of his fans even attacked in the comment's section of his video and he just replied saying “my fans are cancer bro. Sorry.”It was to the point where recently I just unfriended him because he had no intentions of talking with me, which felt like a huge blow since I enjoyed his content way before I started Youtubing. I wanted to try interact with him outside of “Hey, can you voice my stuff please!” but that seems like it won't happen.

For channel trailer 3, I asked another voice actor to voice the detective in my video. He said sure. I waited, and waited for his lines, but never got them. It was too the point where I was so annoyed by the wait, that I just decided to tell him forget it and rewrote the channel trailer featuring different voice actors.

Then another voice actress I asked to voice my projects in the past was so difficult to reach, that I have to to find someone to take over her future roles. I asked her if it has something to do with my content. She said no, but the last time I reached her was back in August. My interactions with her are limited to just twitter.

Then trying to keep up with the promise I made on my Patreon, I've been contacting several big name actors to lend their voices for my projects. Every single one of them ignored my emails. Again, causing me to think it's because my content is cancer.

Then finally I contacted one big name Youtuber (800K+ subs) to try to react to some of my videos. He said he would, but never reacted to any of them yet, though he reacted to other people's videos who sent emails to him days after mine.

All of the situations that happened to me caused me to think that people just hate me. That they're just trying to mess with me just because they hate me that much. It caused me to realize that rather than reaching out to people, I'm better off immensely cutting my interactions with people down to a bare minimum. So I left several Discord groups, and mass unfriended several people from Steam because of this realization. I don't know if I'll massively decrease my socialization with people because of these experiences, but I'm seriously starting to consider it.

It doesn't mean I'll stop Youtubing. Oh no. I have big plans for my Youtube channel. My channel is one of the rare SFM animation channels that make fun of anime and video games on a weekly basis. I honestly think my channel has what it takes to become the Robot Chicken of Youtube as the channel grows in popularity and I will do my best to make sure I reach this goal. Since I started my channel, my life has been a bit happier and I wouldn't give it up for the world. I'm just to going to research more depending voice actors and Youtubers to work with in the future.

Sorry for this long rant, but I just needed to vent. I've been under a lot of stress from the past couple weeks with making sure the channel always has content on it, and the situations I had with a few voice actors and Youtubers did not help.

Thanks for reading, sorry if I disappointed you with this rant.


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