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This Week's Finished Projects

Couldn't really finish more than 1 project this week, but I did finish the 5000 milestone video.  This is a music video based on "DJ Earworm 2009" video called "Blame It On The Subs". I plan on releasing the video a week after the channel hits 5000 subscribers. If the channel hits 5000 subs before the Bad Jojokes Collab 3 video, then I'llI post the milestone video a week after the collab video. For now, here are some gifs from the video.

Well, I did finish one more video that was supposed to make fun of the Batman x Batgirl pairing of the Killing Joke movie, but I had to take it down because it was copyright claimed by Sony. I really didn't want Sony make money off a freaking 18-second video.

If you want to see the video, I uploaded it to Twitter. 

This Week's Ongoing Projects

Unfortunately, all of the actors who were supposed to voice my Halloween special...stood me up. Litterbot, Xcaliborg, and SwiftySky have stopped responding to my emails. One of them even angered my friend Deadjosey who recommended me to him. I understand one of them is having a rough year, but the other two have been very...unprofessional about it. But, the project is not dead. I did get 2 out of 3 of the VO lines from Gianni Matragrano and James Dijit. Once I get the final line, I will work on the video immediately. 

I did get started on my Senran Kagura review. I'm working on two animated scenes a day and will start recording gameplay footage this weekend. Although the scenes don't have lighting applied to them yet and are still work in progress, I decided to screen cap two weird scenes from the video thus far. 

If all goes according to plan, I will be livestreaming myself working on the final scene for the review involving Corey. This is going to be a long scene so it's going to most likely be a long stream.

Next up is the Yugioh video. As I mentioned in the previous week update, this is a Tmartn parody so I wanted it to feel like a crappy Youtube apology video. So for the video I will be adding a lot of random jump cuts to give the idea that it was edited. Problem is that the Yugi model that my friend ported for me is a serious pain in the ass. Elbows bend weirdly, shadows on the Yugi model look awkward, etc. However, I feel like I can finish it by next week as long no surprises come up. Here are some more weird screenshots from the video.

Final thing I started to work on is the"Trunks Cheats At The Lottery" video.  I've finished the script for it sometime ago. Problem is that the only person I could find to pull off the perfect Trunks voice, GaothegreatVA, was busy most of the time. But he managed to record his lines and they are freaking amazing. Especially his last line for Trunks which had me laughing for five minutes. This project will also be...interesting since it requires me to use a model that uses facial flexes. In other words, lip syncing the Trunks model is going to be annoying. I managed to devise a plan cut the time, but it's still going to be pain to animate it. Here's some more weird screenshots from the video.

The final set of ongoing projects I'm working involves my next Overwatch parody. After thinking about it, I decided to make the next Overwatch video focus on Torbjorn since I knew I could turn his "nervousness about A.I" into him being a racist prick towards them. In fact, when I talked about the video with my friend Brendaniel, he was down with voicing Torbjorn. I even got Seigi VA to lend his voice for Genji and Zenyatta for the video. Although I'm 1 actor away from getting all the lines I need, I won't start the video 'til I finish either one of the two projects I'm working.

I also finished selecting the top 15 roasts for the Thanksgiving Roast video. What I plan to do is to work on a little bit of each roast every week 'til I finish both of the previously mentioned projects to make things easier on me. However, I need to decide which voice actor will voice each roast and the style of the video. I don't know if I want it to be in the same style as the "It Came From Tumblr" videos or if I want it to be stylized like the "Epic Rap Battles of History" videos. I'll think about it this weekend.

This Week's New Ideas

I didn't really come up with new parody ideas this week. However, I'm thinking about reviving past scrapped projects. One project I was thinking about reviving is a video that makes fun of the Sakura x Sasuke pairing. To me, this is one of the most dysfunctional couples in the Naruto series (and all of anime/manga history, TBH). To spoof the pairing, I was thinking about having Sakura go to marriage counseling and have the video talk about all the stupid stuff that happened in the Naruto series regarding the two.

Well, that's all I got for you guys this week! If you have any comments or concerns, feel free to post them down below. With that said, I hope you have a wonderful day or night!