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 So, March was somewhat an important month for the channel. Episode 5 of Gohanverse premiered, which will be the last SFM animation on the channel. I do plan on doing SFM animations for commissioners, DeathBattle, and other friends, but I plan on moving away from SFM animations on the main channel. From here on out, all channel animations will be done in Blender.

Also, good news: I finished my work for Dragonball Gohanverse Episode 6. However, unlike the past five episodes, Episode 6 has two other animators working on it. One of them is Creeps, who animated Slick Goku’s “Scheme” in Episode 3 and Slick’s “El Blanco Monolog” in Episode 4. However, Magnus Artifex has been working hard on one big fight scene in the episode. This is the first time he animated on the channel, and he needs to spend some more time polishing his parts, but it’s shaping up to be one of the best fight scenes in the season. I’m proud to say that Episode 6 is going to be a huge gamechanger for Gohanverse. Not only in terms of looks, but in terms of the story for the season. Like I said in Episode 5, Episode 6 will drop May 24th.

Once I finished work on Episode 6, I shifted my focus on the Kale And Caulifla Joins Fighter Z animation. Right now, I’m about 80% done with the animation and should be finished by this week. I also plan to use a new compositing technique for the background for the video since Blender 2.83 release a lot of new tools to make it easier to toon shade backgrounds. Even though the animation is shorter than Gohanverse Episode 6, I had a lot of fun animating the Goku vs Kelfa part of the fight. In fact, some WIPs of that moment will be uploaded here in a few days. 

Another project I started work on is the next series on the channel, which is going to be “Kakayoin: Waifu Connoisseur.” Basically, once a week, Kakayoin is going to bring various waifus to his show…and…that’s it. The show is random, crazy, and going to be…interesting. The goal is to finish 15 episodes before I start releasing episodes in the fall. Right now, I finished one episode involving Melony and another involving Lucoa. However, each episode will be 1 – 1.5 minute each since I do not want each episode to take up too much of my time while I work on other projects. Like the next one I’m going to talk about.

After months…and months of going back and forth, I decided that the next series on the channel will be an original series. I’m going to take my Thul DnD character and the fantasy world my friend Gearhead created in a failed DnD campaign, and create a new series using it. This is going to be a HUGE project and I don’t think I will start releasing episodes of it until next year. Hell, I’m in the pre-production phase right now. For now, here’s a small part of the world the series will take place in.

And that’s all I have for this month. If you guys have any questions, concerns, etc, lemme know in the comment section down below. Thanks for your continued support! A lot of this wouldn’t have been possible without your support. You guys rock! With that said, thanks for reading and have a wonderful day or night! See ya!


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