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 Apologies for the lateness of this week’s post. I spent most of the month wrapping up SSJ Carter’s commission as well as preparing for the next DeathBattle for Rooster Teeth. Since the progress post slated for December came so late, I’m combining it and the January progress post. Additionally, I will be talking about the projects I am planning for 2020. 

First off, Gohanverse. Episode 4 of Gohanverse is finished and I just need to edit one last scene for it. Once that scene is finished, I will be uploading it for Silver members to see. It’s a bit shorter than Episode 3, but it will be the episode in which Emo Gohan will transform into El Blanco. Now for Episode 5. Episode 5 is going to be a VERY important episode in terms of Chi Chi’s character development as well as her interaction with Emo Gohan. In fact, Emo Gohan’s VA said it’s one of his favorite episodes. The goal for Episode 5 – 7 is to have Emo Gohan and Chi-Chi to develop. It’s honestly the first time I’ve done something like this for…anything. I’m extremely proud of what I’ve written, and I hope to take you guys for a ride. Production on Episode 5 has been moving a lot quicker than the past episodes. Part of it is because my friend Roli storyboarded this episode. These storyboards have been EXTREMLY helpful for my animation process since the storyboarding cuts down the amount of time it takes for me to animate these videos. 

Another thing I want to mention after Episode 5 of Gohanverse, everything Gohanverse-related will be animated in Blender. I also plan to use the FighterZ models since I feel like they look way nicer than the Xenoverse models. The FighterZ models were a pain to use for SSJ Carter’s commission, but I’ve been working closely with a FighterZ modder in getting better FighterZ models to use for future videos. In addition, the shaders I’ve been using for them has been WAY better than the shaders I used for my past parodies. Right now, I’m getting the assets ready so I can start work on Episode 6 the moment I finish Episode 5. 

After months…and months…AND MONTHS of work. I am FINALLY done with the next Nekopara animation for the channel. It took a long time to finish due to issues with Coconut’s model, getting a destructible city, etc. The last thing I need to do is check for animation errors, fix Maga Pandon’s model, and finetune the color grading. But damn, I’m proud of the results. I’m planning to release the animation sometime in February or March. However, Silver Shades members should be able to view the animation once I finish it. 

I also been getting stuff ready for the next Saber Says animation. I asked my friend, RPG, to create shape keys for the model and just need to set up Marianne as well. Oh, and get…the Burger King model working again. You can see the four Twitter posts I plan to animate down below. 

Twitter Post 2 

Twitter Post 3 

Twitter Post 4 

Now it’s time to talk about the major projects I have planned for 2020. 

Dragonball Gohanverse: Gohanverse has proven to be a big success for the channel. Each episode has reached at least 100K views within the first week. Because of this, I decided that I will continue with Gohanverse even when Season 1 is done. However, Season 2 won’t be worked on immediately. Right now, I want to release the following specials before I work on Season 2.

  • History of Gohan Black: This is an OVA special that will explain how Gohan Black came into being. In addition, this will also be the first canon appearance of El Hermano, who’s going to be the big bad for the Gohanverse series. Finally, this is also the first drama I’ve ever released on the channel. I’m kinda nervous releasing something that’s not really a comedy, but at the same time, the concept is very exciting for me. I’m planning to release this around the summer.
  • Absolan vs El Hermano: This will be another OVA special and will take place after the events of History of Gohan Black. This is going to be a fight animation between El Hermano and Absolan. It will also explain why El Hermano hasn’t appeared in Season 1 of Gohanverse. This will be released around Fall 2020.
  • Dragonball Gohanverse: Android 21: This is going to have Emo Gohan and Slick Goku fight against Android 21 who’s a member of the Saint Gohan Beasts. This will also setup the stage for Season 2 of Gohanverse. This project will be released around December 2020. However, I’m going to work on it around February since it’s the longest of the 3 projects mentioned. Right now, the script is 15 pages long, which means this special might turn into a short film. 

Kakayoin Hunts Down: To increase activity for my channel, I decided that I will be working on a series that will be uploaded on a consistent basis. I’m aiming for the series to be easy for me to make and I can create episodes for it in a day or two. To do this, I’m experimenting with animating it in SFM and rendering it in Blender. That way I can get the quick rig setup and animation of SFM while getting the next toon shading of Blender.  It won’t look as good as my past videos since I’m aiming for the series to be easy to make, but I think the concept of Kakayoin reviewing/talking to MILFs should interest a lot of people. 

SAO Misfire: Since Gohanverse is ending around the summer, I figured I need a replacement series to hold everyone over until I get Season 2 done. Originally, I wanted to work on an Oh My Dio series in which Dio fights Mickey Mouse. However, I found out that Disney might copyright claim/strike the videos if I do so. So instead, I decided to take my Daki and Rei characters from my SAO Fatal Bullet streams and give them a series on the channel. It won’t be a 1 to 1 recreation, but I’m aiming the series to be funny, action-packed, and somewhat touching at times. My friend Yaroshien will also be assisting in co-writing the story since he knows a lot about guns.

Shonen Jump Month: I missed Shonen Jump month this year, which I don’t plan on repeating for 2020. I already have 4 videos planned and I might do a Shonen Jump month edition of Kakayoin Hunts Down. I even talked to Plague of Gripes to guest star in an animation for the month. 

Anyway! That’s about it from me, guys! With that said, thanks for reading and the support! I hope you have a wonderful New Year’s!


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