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Like I said in June's post, I finished the Zoro And Perona Goes To Build A Bear Workshop, however, I really did not like how Zoro's model look when I applied lighting to him. So I asked my friend, Guimian, if he could edit the face to make it look better. If you look at the picture down below, you can see the modified one (left) when compared to the regular one (right).  I plan on finally lighting the animation this month since the collab is due in early August.

The animation for Gohanverse Episode 1 is finally done! Unlike the Zoro animation, I had no issues with lighting the models. The only thing left to do for the animation is getting art done for one scene in the video. I plan on releasing the video sometime in early or late October.

The final animation I honestly did not expect to finish this month is the next Blender JoJo animation for the channel (which $5+ Patrons should've recieved by now) called "Speedwagon Spreads The Word of JoJo". Unlike the Nep Goes To Jail parody, I finished the animation a lot quicker than the Neptunia one. I'm starting to feel a little bit more confident in animating in Blender and going to start animating longer projects. Either way, expect the JoJo video to drop this Friday.

Unfourtanely, I temporarily stopped work on the Cutie Honey and Devilman animation. I recently found out that not alot of people heard of Devilman or Cutie Honey, and now I feel hesitant about releasing the animation. I might continue to work on it, but I will need to think of the right title, tags, etc.

I'm also working on Episode 2 of Gohanverse. Progress on this episode has been a bit faster than Episode 1, but that's due to this episode being a bit more dialog heavy than the previous one. I anticipate that it should be finished in late July or early August. 

After months of planning, I not only finished the script for the next Nekopara fight animation, but soon will get the Coconut model for Blender. Originally, I was going to do the animation in SFM, but I feel like I can make the fight scenes more epic in Blender. I'm also referring to the first cinematic for Hokai The Third Impact as inspiration for one of the scenes in the animation.

One of my contacts (who was the same person who gave me the Speedwagon model) gave me...ALOT of Part 5 JoJo models. I do have a parody in mind that I could use them for, but I need to find the right stages before doing so. My contact did mention he can make them, but they're not going to be cheap. I'll talk more about this project in the coming months.

Another model pack I've obtained was a model pack for the Pokemon anime. I got Ash, Misty, Brock, Team Rocket, and even Serena that could be animated in Blender. The problem is that...I have no idea what the parody should be about. I'm going to give it some thought since I would like to release it when Sword And Shield comes out in November. 

Finally, I'm doing pre-production work on the next MHA animation for the channel which will focus on Endeavor and Shoto. Unlike the previous MHA animation, this one will be done completely in Blender. I even talked to one of my Blender contacts to modify Endeavor's model to have flames surrounding his suit. I have no idea how it'll turn out, but we'll see. 

One thing I forgot to mention. I'm not sure how many of you guys know already, but I am working on a project for Deathbattle along with my friends, Devil Artemis and Doovad. I cannot go into details for the project due to NDA agreement, but it should be coming out later this year.

So that's about it for this post. As for the upcoming changes to the Patreon, I'm still planning on creating new tiers. I'm also going to make another Patreon video to promote and discuss the new tiers. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, post them down below. Anyway, hope you guys have a wonderful day or night! See ya!



Thanks for keeping us informed, man!