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So I wanted to try something out in which once a month, I'll ask you guys for suggestions for future videos, things I should look into fixing for future videos, etc. This also applies to any thing I should improve on for Patreon as well. Just post a reply to this post with your suggestion. Thanks, guys!



I know you probably get this enough, but I think more video game parodies would help. I know you made a couple of Mgs vids and I think 1 P5 parody, but everything I seem to see that is gaming is your reviews, which are good on their own, and Neptunia stuff, which I personally believe isn't mainstream enough. After that, it's just anime parodies and animations of Internet stories.


hmm. Well I do have a Sonic and a Splatoon 2 video coming out and doing the MGSV commission. However, I'll start thinking of some more video game parodies. Thanks for the feedback :)