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This Week's Completed Project
The only project I finished this week is the final t-shirt video of the year. I don't really have a lot to comment on this video other than how amazing the lighting was.  Other than that, the project was pretty straightforward. You can expect the video this Tuesday and $5+ Patrons should be able to view it now. If not, then here are a few screenshots for you to enjoy. 

This Week's Ongoing Projects
I spent the most part of the week working on the Jojo animation. The only thing I have to really comment on for this project is the lip syncing for Old Joseph, who appears near the end of the video. Due to the fact the model doesn't have a lot of lip syncing options, I had to stretch a lot of the lip options for the scene he's in, but I managed to get the job done. Overall, the animation should be done by this week. Here are a few screenshots.

The other project I worked on was the first My Hero Academia video which will focus on Uravity. Originally, I thought the model would be okay for the video, but it was made apparent during my livestream that her default face was...creepy. I spent some time moving her face bones so she'll look less creepy along with adjusting the SAO options. I think I should be able to finish the video next week if not the week after.

This Week's New Ideas
I'm pretty sure you guys already heard of the Fox buyout by Disney. This alone gave me a few parody ideas since so many iconic characters are owned by Fox. One idea I have is a Deadpool + Kingdom Hearts parody...which...sounds cringey on paper, but it won't be once I finish the script for it. I'm also commissioning the Uravity model maker to create an All Might model for SFM. Additionally, I'm commissioning another person to work on an Monster Musume model so I can work on another parody for it.

And that's it! Once again, thank you guys for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day or night! See ya!


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