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So apparently, Patreon rolled out charging patrons an extra 2.9% and 35 cents for Patrons. To be honest, a lot of people are pissed, especially me as it will impact smaller Patreon channels including me.

While this won't really impact $5+ per say, it will impact $1 tiers the most. While I expect some people here to possibly drop, I won't beg you guys not to unpledge. In the meantime, I will be revamping the $1 tier to give you guys more bang for your buck.

There are people complaining about the change so I expect Patreon to respond to this. Once again, thank you guys for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day or night! See ya!



They just ruined their mobile app and are now charging extra? I don't know what's happening in their administration but it looks like someone is turning this platform into shit.