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This Week's Completed Projects
I got a lot done this week. First project I finished was “A Weeaboo Valentine's Day 2018.” Animating the video was kind of annoying. I had some difficulty dealing with Kamikaze's hair since some many strands of her hair kept clipping through her body. Not to mention, her bow tie clipped with the weapon at times. Those instances were so fast though, so I thought that it was okay to leave the clipping in certain scenes. But the biggest thing that drove me crazy was lighting for Kamikaze. Since Kamikaze's model was ported to SFM, there are some weird texturing issues for her face. I was able to minimize it with some lights, but it's one of the things I hate about MMD model ports. With that said, the video should come out a week before next year's Valentine's. Here are some screenshots from the video.

The next project I finished was an Overwatch video based on SeigiVA's “Los Flores De Fate” comic dubs. Animating the video was pretty straight forward, but lip-syncing Sombra was a bit more difficult than last time. Not because I decided to lip sync her using HWM sliders, but how fast she spoke some times. I will say that I loved animating and lighting the “drama” part of the video. Especially one shot of the mother which I'll show in a screenshot. Speaking of which, here are some screenshots from the video. Expect it to come out March of next year.

This Week's Ongoing Projects
If you haven't guessed by now, then you would know that the next set of T-shirt videos will revolve around Iris Heart and Megumin. I got all the lines I need to work on the Iris Heart video. Her scene shouldn't be too hard to animate since part of the joke is a slow zoom out revealing Perverted Jimmy in a cage. I hope to finish the animated parts of this video before this weekend. 

I also received the necessary lines to work on the P4xP5 video. I didn't animate much of the video since I spent some time correcting an animation for Yu. There's no way I can finish this video this week since I think this might be a 2-3 minute one judging by the script. Enjoy a screenshot.

I finally received Emirichu's line to begin work on the Christmas video. I'm going to work on it at a slower pace so that way I can focus on other projects. As for the Danganronpa parody I want to start working on, I'm trying the find a good VA for Nagito, the crazy “hope” dude from Part 2. 

This Week's New Ideas
Since I know the P4xP5 project won't be finished for a while, I was thinking of animating a smaller project in the meantime. Probably another “It Came From Tumblr” video. I'll start looking for funny  Tumblr posts to animate in the meantime.

100K Subscriber Special
If you regularly go to the channel, then you know the channel's close to hitting 100K. I expect to hit this milestone between February or March of next year, if not sooner. I was thinking of doing another Q and A video, but I wanted to do something a bit more special. However, I want it to be something that I know I can finish within 2-3 weeks. If you have any suggestions on short songs (1.5 mins max) that I could look into making an AMV like the “Blame It On The Subs” video I did a while back, let me know. 

This AMV special I am NOT FULLY committing to. I have this problem in which I try to tackle tasks I have very little time to work on. I want to be more pragmatic with the projects I work on. Hell, I'm still trying to find the take care of the Witcher 3 review.

And that's it! Thank you guys for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day or night! See ya!


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