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This Week's Completed Project
So, the majority of my effort this week went into the Dragonball Super animation. Though I honestly think that this animation is probably one of the funniest Dragonball animations I've ever worked on, there were some model related issues. Some of which were more annoying than the ones in the Attack on Titan video.

 The first issue came in the form of Goku model. Originally, I did not see the issue until I started going into the lighting phase of the project. For some reason, black spots started to flash around Goku's eyes, making the video un-renderable. After talking to several model porters, Anfrien figured out the issue. Apparently, the Goku model has 2 faces (one overlapping the other) and has eyes that touch (called by many animators and modelers call “Z-Fighting”). Anfrien edited the model's QC file to move the eyes a bit further up to stop the “fighting”.

The last issue wasn't really a big one. Gohan's eyes looked a tiny bit derpy. Fallen, who's been porting the Dragonball models, managed to fixed Gohan's eyes so they looked less derpy. Either way, it feels real good actually finishing a major animation for once. I've encountered so many delays for the past two weeks that it was infuriating. Although I have to re-render the video with Gohan's eye fix, it is essentially done. “Frieza Joins The Universe 7 Team” will come out by July 14th. Here are some screen shots.

This Week's Ongoing Projects
I decided that the project I will be working on after the Attack on Titan video was “Solaire The Cult Leader.” What's cool about the project is that Unicoid, one popular modeler in the Steam community, actually made a Sunny D model for the video.

I'm also close to getting all of the lines from the VAs  and hopefully will get them all by next week. Hell, I had various actors auditioning for the role of Solaire. I will admit, this was the first time I had various actors auditioning for the role. It was kind of stressful because I don't like picking favorites, but I decided to go with DEEsida for the voice of Solaire while I'll try to give everyone that auditioned smaller roles for the video.

This Week's New Ideas
One idea I had was creating a parody based on the Frame Girl models that been getting popular as of late. I think I have a premise of the story, but I'm trying to think of an ending pun that doesn't involve any sexual content. Not because I'm afraid about Youtube's demonetization policy, but because I want to try to be clever with the joke.

Anyway, that's about it! Thank you guys for reading! Hope you have a wonderful day or night! See ya!


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