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Here it is! As y'all can probably imagine, these types of videos are pretty huge undertakings for me, AND as is tradition, replace a sponsor with a commissioned song. Because of all this, they're ESPECIALLY indebted to your support. 


Fear of Big Things Underwater

Below the thunders of the upper deep, Far, far beneath in the abysmal sea Watch this video on Nebula: https://nebula.app/videos/jacob-geller-fear-of-big-things-underwater Support me: https://www.patreon.com/JacobGeller Follow me at: https://twitter.com/yacobg42 Merch: https://store.nebula.app/collections/jacob-geller The Kraken by Katie Dey: https://katiedey.bandcamp.com/album/the-kraken Additional Voices by Mark Brown: https://twitter.com/gamemakerstk Chapters: Introduction: 0:00 1- The Kraken: 1:44 2- The Imagined Depths: 12:28 3- The Drowned Giants: 19:13 4- Just Before the End: 28:30 5- The Great Unknown: 34:51 Epilogue: 41:54 Media Used: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), The Drowned Giant (2021), Subnautica, Iron Lung, In Other Waters Music Used (chronologically): Dismantle (Peter Sandberg), Deciphering Tool (Jon Bjork), Ennui (Cody High), Oceanic Adventure (Bonnie Grace), Trapped Underwater (Kikoru), Scared of Water (Kikoru), Arc Lights, Bone Fields (Subnautica), Underwater Findings (Deskant), Is (Sandra Marteleur), Humdrum Days (Franz Gordon), Thrilling India 2 (August Wilgelmsson), Heavy Respite (Martin Klem), The Deepest Cave (Farrell Wooten), Ghostlight (Iron Lung), The Carousel (The Evil Within), Amid Bones (Iron Lung), At the End of Nothing (Silver Maple), Of Sober Mind (Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen), The Kraken (Katie Dey) Sources: Kraken (Wendy Williams, 2010) Kraken (China Mieville, 2010) Monsters of the Sea (Richard Ellis, 1994) The Kraken: When Myth Encounters Science (Salvador & Tomotani, 2013) The Natural History of Norway (Erik Pontoppidan, 1755) Underland (Robert Macfarlane, 2019) The Drowned Giant (J.G. Ballard, 1964) The Metamorphosis of Unknown Animals into Fabulous Beasts and of Fabulous Beasts into Known Animals (Bernard Heuvelmans, 1990) Chasing Ice (Orlowski, 2012) Giant Squid (Clyde Roper, Smithsonian 2018): https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/invertebrates/giant-squid The Squid Hunter (David Grann, 2004): https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2004/05/24/the-squid-hunter Why Do Deep Sea Creatures Evolve Into Giants? (Real Science, 2022): https://youtu.be/uYR4ZMlLUwI Tsunami reveals ancient temple sites (Paddy Maguire, 2005): http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4312024.stm Mahabalipuram: The Temple that Rose from the Sea (Aditi Shah, 2018): https://www.livehistoryindia.com/story/monuments/mahabalipuram Mahabalipuram: Sea, Surfing and Shore Temple (Uttara Gangopadhyay, 2018): https://www.outlookindia.com/outlooktraveller/explore/story/69050/a-guide-to-mahabalipuram-sea-surfing-and-shore-temple Tsunami Footage: https://youtu.be/ks5p-slN4Mc As the Great Salt Lake Dries Up, Utah Faces An ‘Environmental Nuclear Bomb’ (Christopher Flavelle, 2022): https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/07/climate/salt-lake-city-climate-disaster.html Owens Valley Salty As Los Angeles Water Battle Flows Into Court (Kirk Siegler, 2013): https://www.npr.org/2013/03/11/173463688/owens-valley-salty-as-los-angeles-water-battle-flows-into-court 3rd set of human remains discovered at Lake Mead (Adriana Navarro, 2022): https://www.accuweather.com/en/climate/3rd-set-of-human-remains-discovered-at-lake-mead/1222679 Adventuring With Beebe (Beebe, The Viking Press, New York, 1955, p.81-82): https://sites.google.com/site/cwilliambeebe/Home/bathysphere Discovery Channel: Monster Squid - It Lives (2011): https://youtu.be/k7oyNFFTi10 Edie Widder and Nathan Robinson via OceanExplorerGov: https://youtu.be/Lqim34DvCrs Gennaro, J.F. Jr. 1971. The Creature Revealed. Natural History, March 1971 Pierce, S., G. Smith, T. Maugel & E. Clark 1995. On the Giant Octopus (Octopus giganteus) and the Bermuda Blob: Homage to A. E. Verrill. Biological Bulletin 188: 219-230 Pierce, S., S. Massey, N. Curtis, G. Smith, C. Olavarría & T. Maugel 2004. Microscopic, Biochemical, and Molecular Characteristics of the Chilean Blob and a Comparison With the Remains of Other Sea Monsters: Nothing but Whales. Biological Bulletin 206: 125–133. Additional photos from: Swarna1311 Y23 at English Wikipedia Borgx Additional Footage from Getty Images Additional Music and Sound from Epidemic Sound Thumbnail Credit:https://twitter.com/HotCyder Description Credit: Alfred Lord Tennyson



I only hear about cool games like Iron Lung or Perfect Vermin when they show up in the videos, every time I've gotta pause the video and go play the game first!


If you haven’t come across it already, I’d really recommend the sci-fi novel The Kraken Wakes by John Wyndham - it hits the same notes you’ve discussed here, tying in to climate change, our relationship to the sea, and a touch of existential fear (I think you’d love it) 🌊