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I forgot to talk about the title/thumbnail changes, so I put some stuff about it in the description if y'all are interested


Director's Commentary: Dead Space 2 Still Feels Like a New Game

I FORGOT until I finished the commentary to talk about why I changed the title and thumbnail of this video around!! So: This video launched...poorly. Worst of the last ten videos I've released in terms of views. And normally I wouldn't sweat it, but I expected this video to do pretty well- "dead space is popular!", I thought, and this hits the nostalgia point for lots of people. Additionally, my next video I don't expect to do very well either. So this crashing and burning was worrying. Ultimately, I think the problem was the thumbnail. Which is a shame, because the thumbnail was GORGEOUS and I worked with James a lot on it. The problem wasn't that it looked bad or wasn't exciting, it was just that it...didn't have the Dead Space suit on it. So we changed it, to one that featured the suit. It's not a big deal either way. I can handle a video not performing at expectations. But because of this one's poor early performance, I messed around with the meta-stuff more than I typically would.


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