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The Golem and the Jewish Superhero

He could have left us his Golem; he should have. What did he fear? | The first 1000 people to use this link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: https://skl.sh/jacobgeller03211c Support me: https://www.patreon.com/JacobGeller Follow me at: https://twitter.com/yacobg42 Buy Some Sweet Merch: https://store.nebula.app/collections/jacob-geller Many thanks to Alexander Shonert for allowing me to use his beautiful violin pieces: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpMEd3wAGehVcJS7xBwTkLwRhzBBjdRRe Wall art by Carin Walsh: https://www.instagram.com/carinwalshart/?hl=en Sources: Golem- David Wisniewski, 1996 The Golem- Elie Wiesel, 1983 The Golem Redux: From Prague to Post-Holocaust Fiction- Elizabeth Baer, 2012 Stories of Your Life and Others- Ted Chiang, 2002 El Golem- Jorge Luis Borges, 1964 (Translated by Frank Thomas Smith) Der Golem: Wie er in die Welt kam- Paul Wegener, 1920 The X-Files, Season 4 Episode 15: Kaddish, 1997 Hans Poelzig: The Design of Mystical Film Architecture- Despina Maria Ilinca Iorga, 2014 Architectuul: Hans Poelzig- http://architectuul.com/architect/hans-poelzig The Role of the Golem in the Making of Frankenstein- Stephen Bertman, 2015 The Golem Legend: Byron Sherwin, 1985 Other Media Used: The Iron Giant, Inglorious Basterds, Minecraft, Dark Souls, The Complete Pokerap (Brian David Gilbert, Polygon), Frankenstein (1931), Final Fantasy X-2, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Shadow of the Colossus, Susano’s Training Theme (Okami), Premonition of Revival (Shadow of the Colossus) Violin Pieces by Alexander Shonert include: Rosinkalech Mit Mandlen Klezmerka Al Taster Ravel’s Kaddish Other Music Provided by Epidemic Sound- Artists used include Silver Maple, Mike Franklyn, Alexandra Woodward, Trabant 33, Ciaran Delany, Rupert Sachs, and Jon Algar Thumbnail by: David Wisniewski and https://twitter.com/HotCyder Description from Elie Wiesel’s The Golem



So excited for this one!


chag sameach folks!


Kabbalah is pretty interesting, lots of like urban fantasy story telling potential.


Well, I didn’t expect to be crying by the end of this one but you managed to do it to me!


chag sameach everyone and what an amazing video Jacob 💙


It's official. Jacob has evolved to his next, perfect, inevitable form: Cool Hebrew School Teacher Your Bubbe Calls A "Handsome Young Man." This was fantastic. Take care, y'all.

Paul Puccio

This was amazing, hot damn


Thank you.


Absolutely beautiful. Definitely one of the best.

Eyyy J



This is fantastic, and I'm genuinely angry that I can't immediately think of a way that I might make it more well known




This was my favorite one yet! Beautiful and very informative


This was so delicately fascinating & beautiful !!!


When the day comes that one of your videos doesn't make me feel Something very very deep in my chest I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. Absolutely fantastic work as always


Definitely had forgotten that I had read The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker. But your storytelling definitely opened that old chest. I really enjoyed it, from what I remember, but I also put away Magical Realism because it was too closely tied to a former marriage. Anyway, absolute beast of a video. Fascinating as always.


I greatly admire every video you've done, and this is above and beyond the best. Keep up the incredible work.


joined your patreon after watching this video. spectacular work, this might be your best one yet.


I also joined after watching this one. Been a big fan of your videos for a while - and they just keep getting better and better!


this one spoke to me. your ability to tie in media from all corners of life is always amazing, but having it center around judaism made it all the more special. you put so much care and emotion into your videos, and it never shows more than in videos like this. hope you’re having a nice pesach! best, a fellow NC jew 🤠


This video was crafted with such an immense love, and it brought tears to my eyes as a Jewish person. Thank you so much for this one 💜